User Management Tab

User Management Tab

This page was created for version 4.2 of VetView on 2/28/2024.

User Management Tab and User Search

This tab is the same User Management screen that was found in previous versions of VetView. It is now the first tab of User Management.

This first tab contains robust search options to find users based on username, first name or last name, position types, assigned hospital units or labs, or by specific roles or privileges.

You can also search by custom assigned employee tags (e.g. “Class of 2024”) and filter out expired or inactive users.

Click on the Search button to load a list of matching user accounts.

User Management Tabs

Account and Employee Records List

The list of users can also be sorted by several of the columns, such as first name or last name, or the date that the account was created.

Click on the Username of the employee to go to the Employee Record Details screen.

In this example, searching for a specific Role brought up four matching users.

Account & Employee Records List

Account & Employee Records List Fields






This remains the primary search key for users in the system.

Full Name

You can search for first name, middle name, and last name fields of the user.

Active and Inactive

You can search for only active users, only inactive users, or all users.

Expired and Active

Expire accounts are included by default.  You can exclude them if you do not want to see users who were automatically expired.


Search for users based on their registered email account.

Position Type

Choose between the custom Employee Statuses - for example, Full Time vs Part Time.


Choose between the custom Employee Classifications - for example, Pharm Tech vs Vet Tech.  


Search for the custom tags that can be added to a user account to group them.  

Assigned Hospital Unit

Search for users based on the hospital units they have been assigned to.

Personnel Type

Search for users based on the hard coded Vet View Personnel Types - Faculty, Resident, Intern, Staff, Tech, Student. 


Search for users based on their custom CDM identification number.

Assigned Labs

Search for users based on the labs that they are assigned to.

Role Name

Search for all users with a specific custom Role, as set up on Role management.

Assigned Privilege

Search for all users with a specific privilege.

Create New User

To add a new user to the system, click on Create User.  

A blank partial employee record will load on the User Account & Employee Record Screen.   At a minimum, you must give this new account a username before it will save.

Initial User Account Fields






A unique username is required.  The rest of the employee details screen will not load until the username has been added and saved.  Other details on the new user screen can be added later.


The ID assigned by VetView for the employee.  This may be required to use external systems, such as a CDM or Radiology machine.


The name of the employee on record.  This should match your payroll system for reporting purposes.

Display Name

The name as it will appear within VetView.  If the employee has a nickname or uses a name different from their current legal name, it can safely be entered here and will not impact reporting.  Employees can also change this at any time.


The email address associated with the employee.  For organizations using CAS or LDAP, this should match the email for their login information.

Email System Mail/User Mail

Whenever a notification is sent to the employee, it will be bounced to the selected email address.  This may be useful for certain supervising clinicians who are not always at a computer.

Cell Phone

The cell phone number for the user.

Cell System Mail / User Mail

Whenever a notification is sent to the employee, it will be bounced to the selected cell phone number as a text message.  This option requires a third party text messaging service configured via the VetView API.

Cell Carrier

The cell carrier associated with the cell phone.  This is necessary for your text messaging service to function correctly.


The language from Localization that the screens will appear in.  If a localization code is missing in the specified language, it will instead appear in the Hospital's default language.


Any additional tags that should be added to the employee record.  May be useful for reporting purposes, such as grouping classes of students together.

Digital Signature

This section is a preview of how the employee’s signature will display once it has been saved. It should always load blank.

Employee Record Details

After you have Saved the employee record at least once, the rest of the tabs will load on the screen and you can begin to fill in the rest of the User Details and other options.

User Details Tab

The User Details tab is where you can set basic security information for the account, such as expiration dates, password authentication types, and the position type and classification of the employee for reporting.

User Details Tab Fields





Active Flag

This account is active and accessible.  Employees no longer with your organization can be set to inactive, while preserving their historical details.  Inactive employees are not available to add to documents, requests, episodes, or appointments in VetView.

Account Locked

The account is active but has been locked.  This option has been provided as a means of keeping the employee throughout the rest of the system for other users for episodes and appointments until any issues have been resolved.

Session Exempt

This option disables the time-outs that are configured in VetView.  Use this option for kiosk view accounts that have view-only access and are controlled in a different location from their display screen.

Expire Date

If an employee has been hired temporarily, this date can be used to automatically expire the account on a specific day.  Expired accounts are treated the same as Inactive accounts throughout the system.

Authentication Type

If your organization uses LDAP, CAS, Jazz, or another authentication service configured in the API, it will be available in this drop down menu.  For kiosk view accounts, test accounts, or accounts that do not need the third party authentication, you can change this option to Local Account. This will store the username and password in VetView's database in a secure hash instead.  Accounts can be changed to a Local Account temporarily, in the event your external authentication has a service disruption.

Created Date

The date this account was created in the system, and the user who performed the save.

Last Updated

The last time changes were saved on this employee account, and the user who performed the save.

Position Type

The pay classification of this employee.  May be useful for reporting purposes.  This should match the classification in your payroll system.


The custom classification defined under the Employee Type Setup.  This is intended for reporting purposes and has no other impact in the system.


Hard coded options between 1st shift and 2nd shift.  May be useful for reporting and scheduling purposes.


The user in the system which this employee reports to.  This should match your organizational chart.  May be useful for reporting purposes.   (Student employees may require a supervisor, depending on your hospital setup.)

Emp. ID

If your hospital policy requires that the employee ID for the university or other organization is saved on the record, it can be added here.

Reset Password on Local Accounts

In the event that an administrator must reset the local password, the new password can be written in place in the fields.  Click on Set Password to apply the changes for the Local Account only.

To force a user to reset their own password, click on the Password Expired option.  This issues a warning the next time the user logs in that they will need to change their password.


For accounts passing through CAS, LDAP, or other single sign on methods, the password must be reset through the SSO, not within VetView. 

Hospital Options Tab

This tab allows the manager to assign the user to hospital units, and set certain defaults on screens.   

Employee Types determine what roles a user may be assigned under the Schedule screen as well, based on the linked custom Schedule role to the fixed Employee types.

This tab also allows you to assign Hospital Units and Request, Schedules, and Inventory privileges for that unit. It displays which roles the user has assigned in the Assigned Roles section, to cross verify against the units (e.g. if the user has the Schedules privilege for at least one unit, make sure they have a Role that includes schedule privileges for that Unit.)

Hospital Options Tab Fields





DVM Record Active

This flag indicates the user is a DVM within your hospital with an active state or province license.

State License

The state or province abbreviation, and the license number.  This information may be required for certain pharmacy reports.

DEA Number

The DEA number for the clinician, if it is different from the hospital DEA number. 

CDM User Number

The number assigned to this user in your CDM system.  Required to auto approve prescriptions.

Auto Approve CDM Generated Prescriptions

For a user who is themselves a DVM, this flag indicates that when they do a CDM draw, it will be automatically approved.

Active Dates

The dates that the DVM license is active for.  Since DVMs may be required to renew their license on a regular basis, this should be the dates on their most recent license renewal.

ASAQ Eligible

This DVM is registered with ASAQ and patients under their care may be eligible for ASAQ reimbursement.

ASAQ Number

The registration number of the DVM with ASAQ, required for reporting purposes.

Employee Types

The fixed Employee Type within VetView.  Faculty, interns, and residents may have special privileges when they have an active DVM record, such as being assigned the admitting, attending, or discharging DVM status.  Employee Types are also used to link a custom Schedule Role to the eligibility of employees to be assigned that role. 

Assigned Units

The units of the hospital for which this user is a member.  In order to approve and verify documents or requests, or to view requests on the Requests screen, the user must be a member of that unit.  A user must also be a member of a unit to make changes on a Private schedule. 

Default Home Page

This user is primarily a Hospital user, and so when VetView loads, it should load onto the Hospital home page.  This option is mutually exclusive to the same privilege in Labs, and when it is turned on, labs will automatically turn off. 


This option will disable certain pop up notifications in the system.  Not all notifications can be turned off (e.g. error messages will always show.)

Default Unit

When loading a screen in which a unit must be selected, this will be the default unit for the user.  May speed up certain search processes.

Default Pharmacy

When loading a new prescription request, this is the default pharmacy that will load.

Default Prescription Type

When loading a new prescription request, this is the default type that will load.   For certain users who only request a specific type of prescription, such as a CDM Order for ICU or night shift, this may prevent errors. 

Default Patient Record View

Determines which tab will open first on a patient record.  

Patient Record Filter

On the Patient Visits tab, which unit's episodes will load first.  All episodes can be viewed at any time on a patient, but by having a specific default, a user may be able to load the patient record faster with the most relevant data. 

Inventory Shipping

If a package is ordered for this specific user via Inventory, where it should be sent to.

Request Dialog

If a user prefers the pick list view on the Request window, they can set it to be the default. 

Assigned Roles

A read only display of the Assigned Roles for this user from the Privileges tab. This allows for a cross reference against the Unit Roles.

Lab Options Tab in VetView 4.1 and Earlier

Lab options allows the manager to assign lab defaults for the user, and to assign lab sites and sections as well as certain high level lab privileges. (In versions 4.2 and later, Lab Sections and Workstations can also have Roles and Inventory assigned.)

Inactive Labs will appear on this tab, as staff and researchers may need to be able to access old data even if new accessions can no longer be accepted to that lab.

Lab Options tab fields in VetView 4.1 and Earlier





Default Home Page

The Labs module will load by default when the user first logs into VetView.  This option is mutually exclusive with the same setting on Hospital, and selecting Labs as the home page will automatically disable the Hospital option.

Disable Notification Popups

This option will turn off certain notifications in VetView.  Not all pop ups can be disabled (e.g. error messages will always appear.)

Result Entry

For users who are performing rapid throughput testing, the Enter key can be set to Finalize an accession.

Default Lab

When loading a screen that has the Lab selector in a drop down menu, it will automatically load the chosen lab.  This may speed up search options for users who primarily work in a single lab.

Default Section

When loading a screen that has the Section selector in a drop down menu, it will automatically load this chosen section.  This may speed up search options for users who work in a single lab and section.

Default Workstation

When loading a screen that has a Workstation selector in a drop down menu, it will automatically load this chosen workstation.  This may speed up search options for users who work in a single lab, section, and workstation.

Assigned Lab Sites

This flag indicates that the user is a member of the selected Lab, and can view accessions for that lab.


This flag indicates that the user is a Case Coordinator for the lab.  For labs that use the Case Coordinator workflow, this will allow the user to Review the accession before it is Finalized.


This flag indicates that the user can sign off on accessions for this Lab.

Assign To

This flag indicates that individual tests and accessions in this Lab can be assigned to this user.

Lab Options Tab in VetView 4.2 and Later

VetView 4.2 introduced Labs Inventory and new fields were added to this tab to accommodate the changes.

These two new sections include an Assigned Workstations section and Assigned Roles read only display, similar to the hospital.

Assigned Workstations allows you to set Inventory, Inventory Transfer, and Purchase Order privileges for that workstation within a Lab Section. These privileges can also be cross referenced against a role assigned to the entire workstation, to avoid duplicates. (E.g. all Histology lab employees could be assigned to Histology Storage, with a unique Histology role assignment.)

Lab Options Tab in VetView 4.2 Fields


Privileges Tab

This tab is where you assign the roles and privileges for the user. Roles are pre-built groups of privileges defined on the Role Management Screen. A user can have multiple roles. Additional one-off privileges can be added on a per user basis for special assignments.

Privileges Tab Fields





Clear All User Roles and Privileges

This button resets all settings so you can start over. 


The left column contains a list of the Roles created under the Role Management screen.   A user must be assigned at least one role to log into VetView, but can be assigned as many roles as necessary to perform their tasks in the system.  Role access is often used in conjunction with the Unit or Lab Site membership to allow a user to perform actions for some units or labs,  but not ones to which they do not belong.

Assigned Roles

The right column contains a list of the roles currently assigned to this user.  To add a new role, click on the row from the left column, and click on the right facing arrow to move it to the right column.  To remove a role, click on the row on the right column, and then click on the left facing arrow to move it to the left column.


A list of all the current available Privileges in VetView.  In addition to the groups of privileges granted by the Roles, you can give a specific user a single one-off privilege to allow them to perform that task in VetView.  Privileges in bold and blue are controlled by the currently selected role in either column.  Privileges that appear in italics with no checkbox have already been granted to that user based on the assigned Roles.

User Search Preferences Tab


Pharmacy Tab

This tab allows you to to customize the Pharmacy Queue for a pharmacy technician or pharmacist. Portions of the queue that are less critical for their workflow can be minimized or hidden entirely to speed up loading of the queue.

Older prescriptions can be suppressed for pharmacy techs as well. (A supervising pharmacist can go through and clean out expired or unapproved prescriptions on a regular basis, but for a pharmacy tech, these can be blocked from loading in the meantime.)

Pharmacy Tab Fields





Play an Alarm

Turns on the option to play a system alarm when a new prescription has been added to the queue.  This option may be useful on a kiosk view, rather than on each individual pharmacy tech's system. 

Display Statuses

The Pharmacy Queue will display prescriptions only in the selected statuses.  Workflows that are not in use for the pharmacy can be disabled, as can prescriptions that individual users cannot work on (e.g. Pharmacy techs may wish to hide Requested and Hold prescriptions.)  Hiding these statuses improves Pharmacy queue performance.

Hide Prescriptions Older Than

For individual users who are only concerned about today's prescriptions, they have the option to hide older prescriptions on their queue until a pharmacist or other supervisor has an opportunity to clean them up.  Hiding these older prescriptions improves Pharmacy queue performance.

Keep Sections Expanded or Collapsed

If a user needs to prioritize one section over another, but does not want to hide prescriptions in that status entirely, they can choose to have that section collapsed when the screen first loads, to improve performance.  

Notes Tab



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