Hospital Order Management Screen

Hospital Order Management Screen

Order Management Screen

The Order Management Screen is the main billing screen in VetView.  Use this screen to add charges to an order, change or remove taxes, remove charges, and make other adjustments to billing as appropriate. 

This page only contains descriptions of the buttons and features found on the Order Management Screen.  For more detailed clinical instructions, please see the How-To section called Patient Orders and Accounting for Students and Techs.

Print Detailed Order

At the very top of the Order management Screen is an option to Print Detailed Order. 

This will open a PDF of the in progress order that can be sent to a printer and provided to a client or to clinical staff.  

Episode, Patient, and Primary Owner / Bill Party

This section displays the information cards for the Episode, the Patient, and the client who is listed as the Primary Owner / Bill Party for the patient.  (Many clients can be considered owners, but there can only be one primary owner / bill party for each episode.)

Use these cards to verify that the information is correct.  If the bill party for the episode should be another client, use CTRL+Click to open the patient record and change the bill party for the episode to the correct client.

Order Details

Order Details contains a list of the current charges on the order, and also has the buttons needed to add or remove new items.

Many of the buttons and features on this page are privilege dependent, so one user's Order Details section may look completely different from another user's screen. 

VetView also supports different workflows, for hospitals where billing is entered by clinical staff and then reviewed by accounting, or reviewed at the cashier level.  Privileges for each user can be turned on and off accordingly depending on your workflows.

All potential features and options are reviewed and discussed below.

Add ItemOpens the Item Details window below the Order Details to allow for you to look up a product using its name or the specific line and sequence number if you already know it.
Pick ListOpens up the Billing Pick List.  These are pre-defined lists of items that your unit can set up that contain the most common charges for your department or the service being offered.  Some users may be restricted to only billing items from the pick list, and not being able to add items from the Add Item button.
Tax RegionThe current tax region that will be applied to the entire order.  Individual items can be set as tax exempt as appropriate, and the tax region can be changed if your state's tax laws require it.  For example, a mail order item may need to have local taxes at the mailing address applied, as opposed to the default tax region of the hospital.
Approve AllUsers with this privilege can click this button to approve all items at once on an order.  
Delete AllUsers with this privilege can click this button to delete all items added on an order, and start over.
Approve All & FinalizeUsers with this privilege can click this button to approve all items and finalize the order before it is sent to the cashier screen.
Set Order to ReviewSets the order status to Review, allowing a supervisor to find the order on the order search screen and approve the charges before finalizing.  
Refresh ListUpdates the order to display any new charges that have come in since the order was first loaded.  Order Management does not have auto refresh.
Go to CashierTransfers the order to the Cashier Screen, where all of a client's open orders can be viewed.
Open Related OrderCreates a new open order that is related to this order.  If the current closed order you are viewing is missing a charge, you can create an open order for the separate charge instead of making a closed order adjustment.
Put Order on HoldUsers with this privilege can place a temporary hold an order, preventing it from changing status or having any items added or removed.  This button transforms to Remove Hold once it has been set to hold status.
Add AdjustmentUsers with this privilege can add an adjustment to the order, such as a discount for accidentally wasted materials or as a courtesy based on hospital policies and procedures. 
Transfer Open OrderUsers with this privilege can transfer an open order from one billing party to another, independently of the episode bill party.    A small window will open for this option. The Episode Bill Party can also be adjusted at the same time from this window.
Recalculate Order TotalRuns the calculations for all billing on the order again.  Use this feature if there were many adjustments or other changes made on a bill to verify that the totals are correct, or if there was a product pricing change while the order was being processed that wasn't necessarily reflected when the order was first created. 

Add Item

To add a new item to an order, click on the Add Item button and either enter the line and sequence number into item details, or use the smart search box to search for the correct billing item. 

Right Click Options and Interactive Icons

Most sections of the Order Management screen do not have right click options.  However, certain icons indicate that that there are options available on a field.

Change Order Type

Click the edit pencil next to the Order Type to change the type to something else.

Edit or View Tax Exemptions

The Tax Exemption icon on the order row allows you to view all the potential tax exemptions for the entire order. 

This can be further adjusted on the individual line items where appropriate. 

Add Adjustment

Click on the Add Adjustment button to open a small dialog box.

Select the adjustment type, enter in the amount, and add a comment.

You must select between applying the adjustment to all of the items on the order evenly (such as a 5% discount for mentioning a specific advertisement), or picking a single item to add the adjustment to (e.g. a non perishable item was previously opened and returned so you will give a slight discount to the client.)

Item Details

When you select an item from the list in Order Details, a new section called Item Details will load at the bottom of the page.  

Save ButtonSaves the changes on the item.
Approve ItemApproves the individual item on the order.  Items can also be approved all at once by users with the appropriate privilege.
Unapproved ItemRemoves the approval from an approved item, and changes it back to unapproved status.
Delete ItemChanges the item to Deleted status on the bill.  Deleted items remain visible on the order, but the charges will be removed from the total.
Undelete ItemChanges the item from Deleted status back to Unapproved.  
CancelChanges the item to Cancelled status.  Cancelled items remain visible on the order, but the charges will be removed from the total.
Tax ExemptionsDisplays tax exemptions if there are any available.  If there are no applicable tax exemptions for the product, a message will pop up displaying this information.
Product NameThe line, sequence, and product name of the order line item you are viewing.  
Date AddedThe date this item was added to the order
StatusThe status of the order item. 
QuantityThe total quantity of the order item.  This is the value that will be multiplied times the price, before any applied discounts.
PriceThe pricing basis of the item.  This is the value that will be multiplied times the quantity to reach the subtotal, before any applied discounts.
SubtotalThe price of the item, minus any applied discounts.  In the example above, a client type discount has reduced the amount from 43.82 to 35.06.  The exact details of the calculation are displayed if you mouse over the info dot.  There are many other factors that may adjust the pricing of the item, so all the calculations are included under the info dot. 
TaxThe tax amount, based on the subtotal and the order's tax region.
TotalThe total amount that will be billed to the client on this order for this line item.  
Unit The hospital unit that this line item is credited toward.  For hospitals that track revenue generated by service area, this ensures the appropriate unit is linked to the line item.
DVMThe DVM that this line item is credited toward.  For hospitals that track revenue generated by DVM (Practice Plan), this ensures the appropriate doctor is linked to the line item.
EmployeeThe employee that added the line item.  
Bill PartyThe client that will be charged for the line item.  By default, this will be the bill party for the whole order.
CommentAny additional comments to be added for this line item. 
PrintIndicates that the comment should be printed on the order.  For items with manual adjustments, this comment field can be used to provide an explanation.

Vaccine Certificate

If the product added to the Order is associated with a Vaccine Certificate, an icon will appear on the line item once it is added.

Mouse over to display details about the vaccine, and click on the Edit Vaccine Certificate button to open the form.

This is the same form that appears on the Medication section of the Patient Record.  See How To Add A Vaccine Record to A Patient (3.2) for more information on this form.

Vaccine InformationThe medication type, the vaccine type, the associated product, and the settings imported from Product Setup regarding this product.   
Owner InformationThe owner information as imported from the owner record.
Tag NumberThis field must be entered to be able to close the order on the Cashier screen. This is the same tag number that will be back filled to the patient record.
Patient InformationThe patient information as pulled from the Patient Details section of the Patient Record.  This information can also be entered if it is missing and it will be saved back to the patient record.
DVM InformationThe information for the DVM associated with the episode, or associated with the line item of the product if it is different.
DVM SignatureThe text signature of the DVM listed in the box.  If a digital signature was entered on the User Information screen, it will automatically be imported here.  Otherwise, this line will display as a blank line on the printed form for the DVM to physically sign the certificate. 

Product Based Reminders

If a product has a Reminder associated with it, a small bell icon will appear next to the product name.

In the Item Details, you will have the option to view any reminders associated with the product, and check to confirm the correct one.  The default one may already be checked, but it can be changed at this point, and you can add a comment.

Billing Packages

If an item was added on a billing package, then icons will appear on the Order Details to show that the package was added, as well as any items automatically included. 

Items included in the package will display with their discounted or included additional cost in red, as that cost has already been included in the total package price. 

Billing Package Report

Double Click the Package item (box) to print the Billing Package report.  This can be provided to the client to show what the Billing Package they are purchasing includes, for both time of service items and other discounts.

View Package Item Options

Right click on the package item icon (layers) to see additional Billing Package Item options.

VetView Wiki

Most recent releases of VetView:  Version 5.0.2 and 4.2.8 Hotfix (Released 12/20/2024) 

To see commonly used terms in VetView Hospital, please visit our Hospital Glossary of Terms.


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