Daily Fills

Daily Fills

The Daily Fills API Job processes the renewal of Daily Fill prescriptions.  It also runs other Pharmacy timers even if Daily Fills are not used, and can cancel prescriptions and can be used to manually resend a PMP report for a specific day. 

Job Settings

The Daily Fills Job uses the standard settings for a VetView API job.  The Active Flag indicates that the service is available to start. Auto Start means that the job will begin running on its own after a server reboot.

The Server to Run this Job On selects a server from all of those connected to the VetView database.  VetView strongly recommends that you have a server dedicated to running API jobs, separate from those used by your end users in production to avoid any conflicts or lag on the production systems.

The job will run once a day at the specified hour.

Additional Settings

The Daily Fills job includes options to manually cancel expired or unapproved prescriptions in the system.  (This can also be done from the Pharmacy Fill Queue admin button.)

You can also manually run the Daily Fill Prescriptions and Auto Approve Daily Fill prescriptions, if for some reason the job did not run as intended at the specified hour.

Finally, you can manually resent the PMP file for a specific date, if the report did not send as expected based on the hospital setup.

VetView Wiki

Most recent releases of VetView:  Version 4.1.3 Hotfix (Released 2/16/2024)
