Delete Purchase Order

This functionality is new as of version 4.0.

While the Purchase Order Status is 'New', the Purchase Order can be deleted.

If the Purchase Order Status is not 'New', Purchase Order Items that were incorrectly entered, or otherwise not received, can be Cancelled.

In order to have access to Delete a Purchase Order:

One of the following must apply:

  • The User is assigned to the Destination Inventory Area (Hospital Unit), and has the 'Purchase Order' Elevated Privilege; OR,

  • The User is a member of a Security Role that is assigned to the Destination Inventory Area (Hospital Unit), and has the 'Purchase Order' Elevated Privilege.

  • Refer to:

To Delete a Purchase Order:

  1. On the 'Purchase Order Details' screen, for a 'New' Purchase Order.

  2. Click the ‘Delete PO’ button.

  3. Confirm the action.

    'Purchase Order Details' screen - 'Delete PO' button