View Purchase Order Totals

This functionality is new as of version 4.0.

As Purchase Order Items are received the 'Item Total' can be seen at the top of the 'Purchase Order Details' screen.

  • The 'Shipping & Handling' and 'Taxes' can be entered from the Vendor's invoice.

    • These amounts are per Purchase Order, so if multiple invoices are received for a single Purchase Order, the Shipping & Handling, and Taxes must be summed manually.

    • Once the Purchase Order Status is 'Received', the 'Shipping & Handling', and 'Taxes' amounts are not editable.

To View Purchase Order Totals:

  1. Navigate to the 'Purchase Order Details' screen.

    'Purchase Order Details' screen - 'Delivery' tab - View Purchase Order Totals
    'Purchase Order Details' screen → 'Delivery' tab → View Purchase Order Totals



  2. If the Purchase Order Status is not 'Receive', the 'Shipping & Handling', and 'Taxes' amounts can be modified.

  3. The ‘Item Total' will display the sum of the 'Total Cost’ for Purchase Order Items that have been Received.

    Purchase Order Costs
    Purchase Order Costs
  4. Hover over the Info Dot icon to view the Total Cost amounts for 'Order', 'Received', and 'Outstanding' Purchase Order Items.