Add Purchase Order Items to the Delivery

This functionality is new as of version 4.0.

When receiving Deliveries, the Purchase Order Items that are in the Delivery, must be added to the the ‘Purchase Order Details’ screen → 'Delivery' tab.

They can be added to a Delivery one at a time; or, by clicking the ‘Add All Items’ button.

In order to have access to Add Delivery Items:

One of the following must apply:

  • The User is assigned to the Destination Inventory Area (Hospital Unit), and has the 'Purchase Order' Elevated Privilege; OR,

  • The User is a member of a Security Role that is assigned to the Destination Inventory Area (Hospital Unit), and has the 'Purchase Order' Elevated Privilege.

  • Refer to:

To Add All Purchase Order Items to a Delivery:

  1. Navigate to the 'Purchase Order Details' screen → 'Delivery' tab.

    'Purchase Order Details' screen - 'Delivery' tab - Add All Purchase Order Items to a Delivery
    'Purchase Order Details' screen → 'Delivery' tab → Add All Purchase Order Items to a Delivery
  2. Click the ‘Add All Items’ button.

    1. This will add all Purchase Order Items that have not already been received, to the Delivery.

  3. If an incomplete Delivery is not available, add one by clicking the ‘Start New Receiving’ button on the 'Purchase Order Details' screen → 'Purchase Order' tab.

    1. Refer to .

      'Purchase Order Details' screen - 'Purchase Order' tab - 'Start New Receiving' button
      'Purchase Order Details' screen → 'Purchase Order' tab → 'Start New Receiving' button


  1. An incomplete Delivery will not have ‘(Auto Stocked)’ in the tab label.