View Transaction Log

This functionality is new as of version 4.1.

The Transaction Log is a list of the Inventory Transaction that have affected the Quantity, and/or Unique Inventory Attributes, of the Inventory for an Inventory Location.

The Transaction Log is accessible from the following screens:

To View the Transaction Log:

  1. Navigate to the ‘Inventory Pull’ screen; OR,

    'Inventory Pull' screen - 'View Transaction Log' menu option
    'Inventory Pull' screen → 'View Transaction Log' menu option
  2. Navigate to the ‘Inventory Stocking’ screen.

    'Inventory Stocking' screen - 'View Transaction Log' menu option
    'Inventory Stocking' screen → 'View Transaction Log' menu option
  3. Right-click the row that represents the Transfer Request Item; OR,

  4. Click the ‘Pancake’ menu button at the right end of the row.

  5. Select the ‘View Transaction Log’ menu option.

  6. The ‘Inventory Search’ screen → ‘Transaction Log’ tab will open.

  7. The ‘Product’, ‘Inventory Area’, and ‘Location Filter’ fields will be prepopulated.

    1. If the Transaction Log was opened from the ‘Inventory Pull’ screen, the Inventory Area and Inventory Location will be the Source Inventory Location.

    2. If the Transaction Log was opened from the ‘Inventory Stocking’ screen, the Inventory Area and Inventory Location will be the Destination Inventory Location.

  8. The ‘Trans. Date’ field will be prepopulated with the first day of the current month.