Complete Stocking (Purchase Order)

This functionality is new as of version 4.1.

The Inventory Stocking can be saved in order to return at a later time completion. After saving the Inventory Stocking, none of the Inventory will be updated. The final step of the Inventory Stocking is to ‘Complete Stocking’, which will update the Inventory in the Destination Inventory Locations.

In order to have access to Stock Inventory:

One of the following must apply:

To Save and Complete a Purchase Order Inventory Stocking:

  1. Navigate to the ‘Inventory Stocking’ screen.

    1. Refer to .

      'Inventory Stocking' screen - 'Complete Stocking' button
      'Inventory Stocking' screen → 'Complete Stocking' button
  2. Click the ‘Save’ button to save changes.

    1. The process won’t be complete until the ‘Complete Stocking’ button is clicked.

  3. Click the ‘Complete Stocking’ button.

  4. The ‘Please Confirm’ popup will appear.

    'Inventory Stocking' screen - 'Complete Stocking' button - 'Please Confirm' popup
    'Inventory Stocking' screen → 'Complete Stocking' button → 'Please Confirm' popup
  1. Click the ‘Yes’ button to confirm; OR,

    1. The Purchase Order Status will be updated to ‘Received’ - as long as all Incoming Quantities have been ‘Received’ or partially ‘Cancelled’.

  2. Click the ‘No’ button to cancel the operation and close the popup.