Edit Purchase Order

This functionality is new as of version 4.0.

The 'Purchase Order Search' screen is the starting point for editing a Purchase Order.

In order to have access to Edit Purchase Orders:

One of the following must apply:

To Edit a Purchase Orders:

  1. Navigate to the 'Purchase Order Search' screen.

    'Purchase Order Search' screen
    'Purchase Order Search' screen
  2. Search for Purchase Orders with Status = ‘New’.

    1. Refer to .

  3. Select the row that represents the Purchase Order to be edited.

  4. Click the 'View PO' button; OR,

  5. Click the 'Internal #' or  'E-PO #' hyperlink; OR,

  6. Double-click the row. 

  7. The 'Purchase Order Details' screen will open.

    1. Refer to .