Add Shipping & Handling, and Taxes

This functionality is new as of version 4.0.

Shipping & Handling, and Taxes, can be added to a Purchase Order.

  • These amounts are not unique to the Delivery, so if multiple deliveries with their own Shipping & Handling, and Taxes are received, the amounts must be summed and added to the Purchase Order manually.

To Add Shipping, Handling, and Tax:

  1. Navigate to the ‘Purchase Order Details’ screen.

    'Purchase Order Details' screen - 'Costs' fields
    'Purchase Order Details' screen → 'Costs' fields
  2. Enter the Shipping & Handling, and Taxes, from the packing slip.

    1. If applicable, the Shipping, Handling, and Taxes from the packing slip or invoice, can be added to the Purchase Order.

      1. The Shipping, Handling, and Taxes will appear on the 'Purchase Order' report, and are available for other reporting.

      2. The 'Item Total' and 'Purchase Order Total' will reflect the cost of the Purchase Order Items that have been Received only.