Inventory Transfers

Inventory Transfers


  1. The Inventory Transfer Request is no longer the focus of the Inventory Transfer Process - the Inventory Transfer Request Item is.
  2. Inventory Transfer Request Items are 'Ordered', 'Shipped' and 'Received'.
    1. This replaces the 'Requested', 'Transfer Out' and 'Transfer In' transactions in order to standardize similar transactions with Purchase Orders.
  3. In the past, Inventory Transfer Request Items were associated with, and expected to remain with, Inventory Transfer Requests.  In reality, Inventory Transfer Request Items are independent items; therefor, they should be managed as independent items.  They are still introduced into the Inventory Transfer Process via the Inventory Transfer Request; however, once they are 'Ordered', they will be managed as items that can then be regrouped and Shipped, then Received.
  4. The Inventory Transfer screens have search functionality that provides the User the ability to Ship and Receive Inventory Transfer Request Items.
  5. Inventory Transfer Process:
    1. The 'Inventory Transfer Request Search' screen is used to initiate the Inventory Transfer Process, and access the 'Inventory Transfer Request' screen.
      1. This screen is accompanied by the 'Inventory Transfer Request Items' report.
    2. The 'Inventory Transfer Request' screen is used to 'OrderInventory Transfer Request Items.
      1. This screen is accompanied by the 'Inventory Transfer Request' report, and the 'Inventory Transfer Request Picklist' dialog.
    3. The 'Inventory Transfer' screen is used to 'Ship' Inventory Transfer Request Items and make Adjustments to Inventory Transfer Request Items that have been Received with Excess, Missing, or Returned Quantities
      1. This screen is accompanied by the 'Inventory Transfer' form, 'Inventory Transfer Request Item Adjustments' dialog, and the 'Inventory Transfer Request Shopping List' report.
    4. The 'Inventory Transfer Receiving' screen is used to 'Receive' Inventory Transfer Request Items.
      1. This screen is accompanied by the 'Inventory Transfer Receiving' form.
    5. The 'Inventory Transfer Accounting' screen is used to search and view Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable information resulting from Inventory Transfers between Inventory Areas that track Inventory Transfer Income and Expenses.
    6. The 'Inventory Transaction Search' screen is used to search for Inventory Transfer Request Items, and view their Inventory Transfer Request Item History.
  6. There are Default Settings that impact Inventory Transfers:
    1. Hospital Defaults
    2. Inventory Location Defaults
    3. Product Defaults

Reorder Quantities

  • Reorder Quantities are configured at two levels:
    • Inventory Area Product Defaults:
      • To be applied when Products are ordered on a Purchase Order or Inventory Transfer Request.
    • Product Defaults:
      • To be used if Reorder Quantities have not been configured for the Destination Inventory Area.
  • Reorder Quantities consist of:
    • Critical Quantity:
      • This quantity is not used in the calculation of the 'Needed Quantity'.  It is used as an indicator of the absolute minimum (critical) quantity.
    • Minimum Stock Quantity:
      • This is the minimum quantity needed on hand for the Inventory Area; and, the point at which the Product should be ordered - when the Available Quantity reaches the Minimum Stock Quantity, the Needed Quantity should be ordered.
      • Available Quantity:
        • This is the quantity of the Product on hand in the Inventory Area.
    • Reorder Quantity:
      • This is the quantity used to determine the 'Needed Quantity'.
      • Needed QuantityMinimum QuantityReorder QuantityAvailable Quantity.

VetView Wiki

Most recent releases of VetView:  Version 5.0.4 (Released 3/10/2025) and 4.2.10 Hotfix (2/28/2025) 

This page may contain functionality not found in the current version of VetView.


 Settings that impact Inventory Transfer Requests...


Following is an outline of the setting that impact Inventory Transfer Requests.

  1.  Hospital Defaults...

    Hospital Defaults:

    1. Auto-Receive Inventory:
      1. The Hospital's 'Auto-Receive Inventory' option will be used as the default for Inventory Areas that are not configured with their own option, or are configured to 'Inherit from Hospital'.
        1.  'Hospital Setup' screen - 'Inventory Setup' tab - 'Hospital Defaults' subtab...

    1. Inventory Transfer Request Item Location:
      1. When Inventory Transfer Request Items are Ordered, the Destination Inventory Location is selected.
      2. This property, of the Inventory Transfer Request Item, is automatically populated, but editable, based on the following (in order of precedence):
        1. The Inventory Location that has been selected for the Product by the Inventory Area.
          1.  'Hospital Setup' screen - 'Unit Setup' tab - 'Inventory Locations' subtab...

          2.  'Product Info' screen - 'Product Details' tab - 'Default Setup' subtab...

        2. The Inventory Location of the Product when it was last Received.
          1.  'Inventory Transfer Request' screen...

        3. The Inventory Location selected as the default 'Inventory Transfer Request Item Location' for the Destination Inventory Area.
          1.  'Hospital Setup' screen - 'Inventory Setup' tab - 'Inventory Area Defaults' subtab...

        4. The Inventory Location selected as the default 'Inventory Transfer Request Item Location' for the Hospital.
          1.  'Hospital Setup' screen - 'Inventory Setup' tab - 'Hospital Defaults' subtab...

    2. Requested By:
      1. When the Inventory Transfer Request is created, the 'Requested By' field is prepopulated by the Inventory Area's default.
        1. On the 'Hospital Setup' screen → 'Inventory Setup' tab → 'Inventory Area Defaults' subtab, the 'Requested By' field is located in the 'Inventory Transfer Defaults' section of the 'Add / Edit Inventory Transfer & Purchase Order Defaults' dialog (refer to the mockup below).
          1.  'Hospital Setup' screen - 'Inventory Setup' tab - 'Inventory Area Defaults' subtab...

      2. If the Inventory Area has not specified a default, the Hospital's default 'Requested By' will be used.
        1. On the 'Hospital Setup' screen → 'Inventory Setup' tab → 'Hospital Defaults' subtab, the 'Requested By' field is located in the 'Inventory Transfer Defaults' section (refer to the mockup below).

           'Hospital Setup' screen - 'Inventory Setup' tab - 'Hospital Defaults' subtab...

    3. Transfer Pricing Defaults:
      1. The Hospital can establish Transfer Pricing Defaults to be used if the Inventory Area has not configured their own Transfer Pricing Defaults.
        1.  'Hospital Setup' screen - 'Inventory Setup' tab - 'Hospital Defaults' subtab...

  2.  Inventory Area Defaults...

    Inventory Area Defaults:

    1. Auto-Receive Inventory:
      1. Inventory Areas can be configured to Auto-Receive Inventory.  This setting bypasses the 'Inventory Transfer Receiving' screen when Inventory Transfer Request Items are Shipped to the Inventory Area.
        1.  'Hospital Setup' screen → 'Unit Setup' tab → 'Inventory Locations' subtab...

        2.  'Hospital Setup' screen - 'Inventory Setup' tab - 'Inventory Area Defaults' subtab...

    1. Inventory Area:
      1. The Hospital Unit must be designated as an Inventory Area
        1.  'Hospital Setup' screen → 'Unit Setup' tab → 'Unit Details' subtab...

    2. Inventory Locations:
      1. Hospital Units that are Inventory Areas, must have at lease one Inventory Location designated as the Default Inventory Location.
      2. In order to receive Shipped Inventory Transfer Request Items automatically (without the use of the 'Inventory Receiving' screen),  the Default Inventory Location must be set to 'Auto-Receive Inventory'.
        1.  'Hospital Setup' screen → 'Unit Setup' tab → 'Inventory Locations' subtab...

    3. Inventory Transfer Picklists:
      1. In order for the User to have access to the Inventory Transfer Request  Item Picklists, they must be Assigned to the Inventory Area, and have the 'Inventory Transfer Picklist' option.
        1.  'Hospital Setup' screen → 'Unit Setup' tab → 'Assigned Users' subtab...

    4. Inventory Transfer Request Item Location:
      1. When Inventory Transfer Request Items are Ordered, the Destination Inventory Location is selected.
      2. This property, of the Inventory Transfer Request Item, is automatically populated, but editable, based on the following (in order of precedence):
        1. The Inventory Location that has been selected for the Product by the Inventory Area.
          1.  'Hospital Setup' screen → 'Unit Setup' tab → 'Inventory Locations' subtab...

          2.  'Product Info' screen → 'Product Details' tab → 'Default Setup' subtab...

        2. The Inventory Location of the Product when it was last Received.
          1.  'Inventory Transfer Request' screen...

        3. The Inventory Location selected as the default 'Inventory Transfer Request Item Location' for the Destination Inventory Area.
          1.  'Hospital Setup' screen - 'Inventory Setup' tab - 'Inventory Area Defaults' subtab...

        4. The Inventory Location selected as the default 'Inventory Transfer Request Item Location' for the Hospital.
          1.  'Hospital Setup' screen - 'Inventory Setup' tab - 'Hospital Defaults' subtab...

    5. Reorder Quantities:
      1. When selecting Inventory Transfer Request Items, the 'Needed Quantity' is determined by the 'Minimum' and 'Reorder' Quantities set for the Product and/or Inventory Area.
      2. The Needed Quantity it determined in order of precedence:
        1. Inventory Area and Product Default
          1. Located in the 'Inventory Area Product Defaults' section of the 'Product Info' screen → 'Product Details' tab → 'Default Setup' subtab (see mockup below):

             'Product Info' screen → 'Product Details' tab → 'Default Setup' subtab → 'Inventory Area Product Defaults' section...

        2. Product Default 
          1. Located in the 'Product Defaults' section of the 'Product Info' screen → 'Product Details' tab → 'Default Setup' subtab (see mockup below):

             'Product Info' screen → 'Product Details' tab → 'Default Setup' subtab → 'Product Defaults' section...

    6. Requested By:
      1. When the Inventory Transfer Request is created, the 'Requested By' field is prepopulated by the Inventory Area's default.
        1. On the 'Hospital Setup' screen → 'Inventory Setup' tab → 'Inventory Area Defaults' subtab, the 'Requested By' field is located in the 'Inventory Transfer Defaults' section of the 'Add / Edit Inventory Transfer & Purchase Order Defaults' dialog (refer to the mockup below).
          1.  'Hospital Setup' screen - 'Inventory Setup' tab - 'Inventory Area Defaults' subtab...

      2. If the Inventory Area has not specified a default, the Hospital's default 'Requested By' will be used.
        1. On the 'Hospital Setup' screen → 'Inventory Setup' tab → 'Hospital Defaults' subtab, the 'Requested By' field is located in the 'Inventory Transfer Defaults' section (refer to the mockup below).

           'Hospital Setup' screen - 'Inventory Setup' tab - 'Hospital Defaults' subtab...

    7. Transfer Pricing:
      1. Inventory Areas that wish to track Inventory Transfers financially, must set up Inventory Transfer Pricing.
        1.  'Hospital Setup' screen → 'Unit Setup' tab → 'Transfer Pricing Setup' subtab...

    8. Transfer Pricing Defaults:
      1. The Inventory Area can establish Transfer Pricing Defaults to be used if they have not configured  Transfer Pricing Rules for the right combination of Destination Inventory Area and Product.
        1.  'Hospital Setup' screen - 'Inventory Setup' tab - 'Inventory Area Defaults' subtab...

  3.  Product Defaults...

    Product Defaults:

    1. Aggregation Tolerance:
      1. Inventory Aggregation is used to combine Inventory containing the same Unique Inventory Attributes(Refer to the definition for 'Inventory Aggregation'.)
      2. Aggregation Tolerance is the number of days in which the Inventory Date is considered to be the same for purposes of Inventory Aggregation.  (Refer to the definition for 'Aggregation Tolerance'.)
      3. The Aggregation Tolerance is determined by the following Order of Precedence:
        1. Product
        2. Inventory Area
        3. Hospital
      4.  'Product Info' screen → 'Product Defaults' tab → 'Defaults Setup' subtab → 'Product Defaults' section...

    2. Default Destination Inventory Location:
      1. When Inventory Transfer Request Items are Ordered, the Destination Inventory Location is selected.
      2. This property, of the Inventory Transfer Request Item, is automatically populated, but editable, based on the following (in order of precedence):
        1. The Inventory Location that has been selected for the Product by the Inventory Area.
          1.  'Hospital Setup' screen → 'Unit Setup' tab → 'Inventory Locations' subtab...

          2.  'Product Info' screen → 'Product Details' tab → 'Default Setup' subtab...

        2. The Inventory Location of the Product when it was last Received.
          1.  'Inventory Transfer Request' screen...

        3. The Inventory Location selected as the default 'Inventory Transfer Request Item Location' for the Destination Inventory Area.
          1.  'Hospital Setup' screen → 'Inventory Setup' tab → 'Inventory Area Defaults' subtab...

        4. The Inventory Location selected as the default 'Inventory Transfer Request Item Location' for the Hospital.
          1.  'Hospital Setup' screen → 'Inventory Setup' tab → 'Hospital Defaults' subtab...

    3. Default Source Inventory Area:
      1. When Inventory Transfer Request Items are Ordered, the Source Inventory Area is selected.
      2. This is automatically populated, but editable, based on the 'Default Source Inventory Area' for the Product and Destination Inventory Area.
        1.  'Product Info' screen → 'Product Details' tab → 'Default Setup' subtab...

    4. Reorder Quantities:
      1. When selecting Inventory Transfer Request Items, the 'Needed Quantity' is determined by the 'Minimum Stock' and 'Reorder' Quantities set for the Product.
      2. The Needed Quantity it determined in order of precedence:
        1. Inventory and Product Default
          1.  'Product Info' screen → 'Product Details' tab → 'Default Setup' subtab → 'Inventory Area Product Defaults' section...

        2. Product Default 
          1.  'Product Info' screen → 'Product Details' tab → 'Default Setup' subtab → 'Product Defaults' section...

  4.  Inventory Transfer Request Picklist Setup...

    Picklist Setup:

    1. Assigned Users:
      1. In order for a User to have access to Inventory Transfer Picklists, they must the 'Inventory Transfer Request Picklist' option. 
        1.  'Hospital Setup' screen → 'Unit Setup' tab → Assigned Users' subtab...

    2. Inventory Transfer Picklists:
      1. Picklists are configured to be used for Inventory Transfer Requests.
        1.  'Product Setup' screen → 'Picklist Setup' tab...

 Search for Inventory Transfer Requests...


Enhancements to the Inventory Transfer Process include the following Search Criteria:

Search functionality is provided on the following screens:

  1.  'Inventory Transfer Request Search' screen...

  2.  'Inventory Transfer' screen...

  3.  'Inventory Transfer Receiving' screen...

  4.  'Inventory Transfer Accounting' screen...

  5.  'Inventory Transaction Search' screen...

 Order Inventory Transfer Request Items...


  1. New features on the 'Inventory Transfer Request' screen include:
    1. Alerts
    2. Alternate IDs
    3. Back to Search
    4. Destination Inventory Inventory Area
    5. Destination Inventory Location
    6. Inventory Transfer Request Item Change Log
    7. Inventory Transfer Request Item History
    8. Picklists
    9. Reorder Quantities
    10. Requested By
    11. Requested S:St Ratio
    12. Source Inventory Area
    13. Tags
    14. Unit Price and Extended Price
  2.  'Inventory Transfer Request' screen...
     Fields and Controls...

  3.  'Inventory Transfer Request Picklist' dialog...
     Fields and Controls...

  4.  'Inventory Transfer Request' report...
     Fields and Controls...

 Ship Inventory Transfer Request Items...


  1. New features on the 'Inventory Transfer' screen include:
    1. Alerts
    2. Alternate IDs
    3. Inventory Transfer Request Item Adjustments
    4. Inventory Transfer form
    5. Inventory Transfer Request Item Quantities
    6. Inventory Transfer Request Item Search
    7. Inventory Transfer Request Item Change Log
    8. Inventory Transfer Request Item History
    9. Tags
  2.  'Inventory Transfer' screen...
    1.  Fields and Controls...

  3.  'Inventory Transfer' form...
    1.  Fields and Controls...

  4.  'Inventory Transfer Request Shopping List' report...
    1.  Fields and Controls...

 Receive Inventory Transfer Request Items...


  1. New features on the 'Inventory Transfer Receiving' screen include:
    1. Alerts
    2. Alternate IDs
    3. Inventory Transfer Receiving form
    4. Inventory Transfer Request Item Quantities
    5. Inventory Transfer Request Item Search
    6. Inventory Transfer Request Item Change Log
    7. Inventory Transfer Request Item History
    8. Tags
  2.  'Inventory Transfer Receiving' screen...
    1.  Fields and Controls...

  3.  'Inventory Transfer Receiving' form...

    'Inventory Transfer Receiving' form:

    1.  Fields and Controls...

 Inventory Transfer Request Item Adjustments...


The lifecycle of an Inventory Transfer Request Item:

  1. From the 'Inventory Transfer Request' screen, Inventory Transfer Request Items start with an:
    1. Ordered Quantity
  2. When the Inventory Transfer Request Items are Shipped, via the 'Inventory Transfer' screen/form, four more Quantities may be introduced - the sum of these Quantities must equal the Ordered Quantity:
    1. Shipped Quantity
    2. Canceled Quantity
    3. Backordered Quantity
      1. If there is a Backordered Quantity, it must be Shipped or Canceled.
    4. Overshipped Quantity
      1. If there is an Overshipped Quantity, it must be Received or Returned.
  3. When the Inventory Transfer Request Items are Received, via the 'Inventory Transfer Receiving' screen, four more Quantities may be introduced:
    1. Received Quantity
    2. Excess Quantity
    3. Missing Quantity
    4. Returned Quantity
      1. If there is an Excess, Missing, or Returned Quantity, they must be Adjusted:
        1. Excess Adjustment
        2. Missing Loss Adjustment
        3. Missing Recon Adjustment
        4. Returned Disposal Adjustment
        5. Returned Restock Adjustment
  4. Inventory Transfer Request Items are adjusted via the 'Inventory Transfer Request Item Adjustments' dialog on the 'Inventory Transfer' form.
 Inventory Transfer Adjustments...

Inventory Transfer Adjustments:

 Inventory Adjustments...

Inventory Adjustments:

 Inventory Adjustment Definitions...

Inventory Adjustment Definitions:

 'Inventory Transfer Request Item Adjustment' dialog...

'Inventory Transfer Request Item Adjustment' dialog:

When Inventory Transfer Request Items are Received with ExcessMissing, or Returned Quantities, Inventory Adjustments are needed in order to resolve those quantities to zero, bring the balance of the Inventory Transfer Request Item to zero, and correct the issues with the Inventory Quantities.  This is accomplished by using the 'Inventory Transfer Request Item Adjustment' dialog from the 'Inventory Transfer' screen and form.

  1. Using the 'Inventory Transfer' screen, search for Inventory Transfer Request Items with a Status of 'Excess', 'Missing', or 'Returned'.
  2. Open the 'Inventory Transfer' form.
  3. Working through the Inventory Transfer Request Items, click the 'Adjust' button to access the 'Inventory Transfer Request Item Adjustment' dialog.
  4. Using the 'Inventory Transfer Request Item Adjustment' dialog, add Inventory Adjustment Transactions that accurately depict the disposition of the Excess, Missing, or Returned Quantities.
    1. Each Inventory Adjustment Transaction will appropriately affect the balance of the Inventory Transfer Request Item, and Inventory balances.

 Inventory Transfer Accounting...


For Inventory Areas that account for the movement of Inventory to and from other Inventory Areas using Transfer Pricing, the 'Inventory Transfer Accounting' screen provides the ability to search for, and review, the related financial transactions.

 'Inventory Transfer Accounting' screen...

'Inventory Transfer Accounting' screen:

 Fields and Controls...


  • Following is a table of definitions for the screens (Components), components of screens (Subcomponents), fields (UI Element labels, names and entities), controls (names and entities), DB columns, adjustment types, privileges, attributes, and specs that have a direct, or indirect, connection to the term 'Inventory Transfer'.
  • Use the controls at the top of the table to change the sort, grouping, and row height.
  • To see more of the cell content, click on the cell expansion control located at the top-right corner of a selected cell.

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