System Options
Cathy Allison
System Options
The System Options page contains the configuration settings for your hospital or lab's website, server, and IT environment. Settings on this page should not be changed frequently. Access to this page should be limited to your systems administrator, DBA, or other IT personnel who handle the technical aspects of your VetView installation.
Settings on this page are divided into field sets of related options.
Email Options
The settings in this section control how your system sends and receives email messages.
- Email Communication: For test or sandbox installations of VetView, you can turn off email communication entirely if it has not been configured in API Jobs yet. For production versions of VetView, we strongly recommend having email configured and turned on.
- Email Environment: Test environments are for Sandbox systems that have email enabled and configured in API jobs, but for when you do not want live emails to be sent to any clients. The Production setting is intended only for live installations of VetView, where communications will be sent outside to clients.
- System Sent From Email Address: This is the email address that will appear as the "from" for all emails sent via the VetView system. In a production environment, this should be the general email address for the hospital, which can be monitored for replies. Note that the Product Reminders and Schedule Reminders will override this email address if you have a separate one entered on those setup pages.
- System Sent To Email Address: For a test environment, this is where all emails will be sent. This is ignored in a Production environment, with the exception of error messages.
- Send Test Email: Use this to send an immediate test email to the address specified. This can be helpful when confirming that your API job for email has been configured correctly.
Main VetView Options
The settings in this section are the IP addresses utilized by your network for VetView, and the default language.
- Main Application URL: This is the IP address or the domain that has been assigned to VetView by your network administrator.
- Default Localization Setting: The language that will be considered the "default" for VetView in localization. Individual users can select their language preference under their user settings, but localization can only have one default language for the entire system.
- Database Version: The version of VetView that you have installed. The version of the VetView application in Tomcat should always match the version of VetView in the Oracle database. A mismatch in the database and application versions can cause errors in your system.
- Database Name: The name of the database this installation of VetView stores and retrieves information from, commonly the IP address but may also be named "Main" or "Production" as your DBA has designated it
- Auto Add Address Links: Determines if the website links in your environment are "live" - that is, an HTML link that can be clicked. This should only be disabled if your university's IT environment recommends it for security reasons.
Main Application Password Options
The settings here control the settings for passwords created in a local account for VetView. For LDAP, CAS, Jazz, and other authentication services, the requirements will be set by your network administrator, but you can set VetView's local accounts to match those requirements. Passwords stored in VetView are encrypted. Note that due to changes in the encryption hash, upgrading from version 1.7 to version 2.0 will break existing passwords, and all users will need to have their local passwords reset. Network passwords should still work correctly.
- Maximum Password Length: By default this is set to 32 characters. If your university's network policy allows for more, or requires fewer, you can change it here.
- Minimum Password Length: By default this is set to 8 characters. If your university's network policy allows for fewer, or requires more, you can change it here.
- Can the password contain the username?: For security reasons, your university may require this to be disabled. When setting the password, the system will check the username, and if this flag has been turned off, the chosen password will not be allowed if it contains the username.
- Does the password require a number? Set this according to your university's security policy.
- Does the password require a special character? Set this according to your university's security policy.
- Does the password require an uppercase letter?: Set this according to your university's security policy.
Interface and Jobs Global Settings
This section currently only contains the password which will be used for an API job by default, if a unique email address was not specified.
Hospital Options
This section contains system settings specific to your hospital setup (if applicable.)
- Hospital Help Page URL: This defaults to the VetView Wiki User Guide. However, if you have a customized training module for your Hospital, you can change the link to point to that web resource instead.
- Send Statement Process Delay: The number of seconds to delay mailing of statements after processing them. For most systems, 60 seconds should be enough to prevent any errors in the email system, and to allow the statements to be printed on a modern network printer.
- Combine Requests and Documents: This is a hospital wide setting that disables the simplified Document selector and changes all Documents to be available in the Request Selector window.
- Number of patient labels to print: For hospitals that utilize a patient label at intake, the total number of labels to print. Use more or less depending on your hospital's workflow and the Patient Label report being used on the Admission screen.
- RIS Encryption key: The password set for your RIS system. May be left blank if not required by your system.
- Alchemy Web URL: The website used by your hospital for Alchemy. May be left blank if not required by your system.
Lab Options
This section contains system settings specific to your lab setup (if applicable.)
- Lab Help Page URL: This defaults to the VetView Wiki user Guide. However, if you have a customized training module for your Lab, you can change the link to point to that web resource instead.
- UVIS Specimen Timeout: For Lab connections still connected to UVIS Hospital legacy systems. Otherwise this can be left blank.
- UVIS URL Timeout: For Lab connections still connected to UVIS Hospital legacy systems. Otherwise this can be left blank.
- Accession Search Finalization Delay: If you want to delay the appearance of finalized accessions on the search screen, you can set a delay here. This can be left blank for the majority of workflows.
System Notification Options
This section allows you to customize the appearance of VetView Hospital and Labs.
- Header Pop up Message: Text that appears at the top of every VetView screen. Use this to distinguish between your production and sandbox environment.
- Widget Title: The name of the announcement widget that will appear on the Hospital and Labs Home page.
- Widget Message: The text of the announcement widget. Example: "VetView will be upgrading to version 2.0.6 on Saturday, June 13th. We will be down from 1AM to 7AM for this upgrade. Please discuss any alternate patient tracking and documentation with your department if you will be working during those hours. VetView will not be available during this upgrade."
License (VetView 3.0)
For a more detailed explanation, please see VetView 3.0 License System
This section allows you to view and manage your license key for VetView.
- Client Name: The name of the registered client for this VetView license
- Module: The modules this license is valid for. Labs & Hospital may be licensed individually or together
- Expiration Date: The date this license is valid through. There is a six month grace period for expired licenses.
- Status: Active, Evaluation, or Invalid. An Invalid license will block access until a valid license key has been entered.
- Upload License Key: Opens a small window to enter in the license key provided by VetView
VetView Wiki Most recent releases of VetView: Version 5.0.2 and 4.2.8 Hotfix (Released 12/20/2024)