Pharmacy Administration Search Screen
Cathy Allison
Pharmacy Administration Search Screen
Unlike the Prescription Search Screen, the Pharmacy Administrative Search Screen searches for prescriptions that have an associated Medication Administration Record that is required to be generated based on the product setup, based on criteria associated with the patient record, the prescription itself, or the details of the MAR.
Use this screen to identify which MARs have yet to be completed and contact the staff or students who were responsible for completing them.
Incomplete MARs will also trigger the deficiency flag on a discharged patient record, so your Medical Records Staff can also contact these users to inform them of the incomplete documentation when appropriate.
MAR Search
At the top of this screen is the search criteria.
You can search by MAR status, the staff members involved, or the drug information. You can also specify a date range to build a list of prescriptions to assist in reporting.
Field | Description |
Status | Searches for MARs by status. This is the simplest way to identify all the incomplete MARs in the system, but you can also search for ones that are new or have been completed in conjunction with other search criteria. |
RX# | Searches for MARs based on the prescription number. Use this to search for a specific MAR. |
Pharmacy | Searches for all MARs within a specific pharmacy. |
Patient | Searches by case number (first field) or patient name / animal ID (second field.) |
Species | Searches for all MARs by species. Use this when search for records for specific use cases or drugs for research. |
Contact | Searches for all MARs based on a patient contact name. This could be owner, RDVM, clinic, or any other listed contacts for a patient. |
Drug Name | Searches for a specific drug using the line and sequence for product (first two fields) or the drug name (third field.) Use the drug name to find all related drugs regardless of the strength or formulation. |
Drug Class | Searches for all MARs for drugs in a specific class. Use this to help build out lists of products with MARs for state level reporting. (Note: VetView does not supply reports that are guaranteed to be compliant with your state regulations. You should export these results to Excel for further formatting based on your state's requirements.) |
Date Type | Searches the dates in the From To fields on this specific type. Choices are Created Date and Wasted Date. Note that this is the date that the MAR was created or the final waste was marked, not the date the prescription was created or filled. |
Approved By | Searches for MARs based on the approving DVM on the prescription.. |
Dispensed By | Searches for MARs based on the user who dispensed the product at a CDM. |
Administrator | Searches for MARs based on the user listed as who gave the drug to the patient. This may be different from the user who approved it, the user who dispensed it, or the user who originally requested it on the prescription. |
Witness | Searches for MARs based on the user who is listed as the witness. This field is password protected. |
Search Results
The prescription results will output below in a list format. This list can be sorted by all columns except Contacts.
Press CTRL+Click to open up the patient record or a contact record in another window. The prescription itself can be accessed under the Edit MAR window for additional context if needed.
View / Edit MAR and Access Prescription
Select a MAR to view or edit and click on the Edit button. The MAR window will open.
Field | Description |
Prescription Information | Basic information on the prescription can be viewed at the top of the window. |
Prescription Link | The full prescription can be accessed by pressing CTRL+Click on the Prescription Number under the CDM / RX# column. |
Date Time | The date and time column will include the initial dispense time at the top, and any additional records for the administration or waste below. |
Type | The Type column contains the specific type of administration record. The first one will always be the initial dispense of the product, then the following rows are a choice between Administered, Returned (to the CDM or the Pharmacy), sent home with the owner, a variant due to the quantity dispensed not matching the expected measurement (for liquids), and wasted product. |
Dispensed / Administered By | The user who gave the product to the animal, or otherwise performed the action in the Type column. |
Quantity | The quantity associated with the action in the Type column. If two pills were given to a patient, the number 2 would be entered. If four pills were sent home with the owner, the number 4 would be listed. The total quantity in this column must match the initial quantity dispensed, for the MAR to be considered Complete. |
Comments | Any comments applicable to the status or action. For example, if the Type of action was Wasted, you can indicate that it was wasted in the RX Destroyer bin in your unit. |
Password | The password of the user action as the witness to the action. |
When all the relevant fields have been added and the total quantity matches, add in the witness password and click on Save.
The MAR status will then change to completed.
Print List of MARs
To print out the list of MARs, click on the Print button. From here you also have the option to Export to Excel.
To print only certain MARs on the list, select them before clicking on the Print button.
Print Detailed Report
To print out a specific MAR report, select the MAR and click on Print Detailed Report. The list of all records for all actions will load in a PDF. This would be the version to include in a paper copy of the medical record where appropriate.
VetView Wiki Most recent releases of VetView: Version 5.0.4 (Released 3/10/2025) and 4.2.10 Hotfix (2/28/2025)
To see commonly used terms in VetView Hospital, please visit our Hospital Glossary of Terms.