(Working Copy) VetView Local Reports Parameters

(Working Copy) VetView Local Reports Parameters

VetView Local Reports Parameters

These parameters may not necessarily correspond to Java Beans.  A full list of available Java data bean types is available under our Labs Admin page:  JavaBean Data Types for Jasper Reports

For Local Reports, you can set the Parameters that will be prompted for under the Local Reports screen when the report is selected by defining them in report setup.

  • The Type is the type of parameter that the report will feed from VetView to Jasper.  All dates must be of the type Java.util..date.
  • The Label is how it will appear loaded into VetView.
  • The Name is the link between the Jasper report and the VetView database.  The name should match what was set in iReport or Jasper Studio when you defined the parameter. 
  • The Default Value may be useful for certain reports that usually have one primary variable, but may need another on occasion, 

These parameters will automatically be passed through to the report in the code of VetView.  If the parameter is valid for the query used in the report, then the results on the report will display the data that matches the parameter.

Parameter TypeJasper Field TypePurposeExample use in a Query in JasperVisual on Local Report Screen
Date RangeJava.util.dateSelects a start date and an end datea.date_created between $P{startDate} and $P{endDate}

(Regular) Textjava.lang.StringAllows you to search for any string based text field, such as Diagnosis.  Allows special characters for non-US English alphabets.

Query Textjava.lang.StringPasses in selected text to an internal query to search the database.  Adds an "escape" character to allow for quotes in a query, without breaking the stringuse "keyword" as a search query :  Where LOWER (cm.description) like '%$P!{keyword}%'  to search for the string name.

Rich Textjava.lang.StringPassed through formatted text for display.  Not intended for use with a query to the database, but to allow rapid editing of certain parts of a report that are not easily queried (e.g. modifying a list of students.)NOTE:  This parameter type must have the settings of HTML and Stretch to Fit to work correctly on your Jasper Report. 


java.lang.Long or java.lang.BigDecimel

Passes in a specific numberselect * from HOSPITAL_EPISODES where animals_seen = '1'

String Listjava.util.ListAllows you to search for multiple string based text fields that are comma separatedselect * from HOSPITAL_EPISODES_COMMENTS where COMMENT_MESSAGE IN ($P{keyword})

DateJava.util.dateAllows you to search for a specific dateselect SCHEDULE_ID, SCHEDULE_TIME, STATUS from HOSPITAL_SCHEDULE_TIMES

Fiscal QuarterJava.util.dateSelects a Fiscal Quarterselect CREATED_DATE from HOSPITAL_CREDIT_MEMO

Fiscal YearJava.util.dateSelets a Fiscal Yearselect TRAN_DATE from HOSPITAL_DEPOSITS

Adjustment Typesjava.lang.StringSelects one Adjustment Typeselect ADJUSTMENT_TYPE from HOSPITAL_ADJ_TYPE_MASTER

Adjustment Types Listjava.util.ListSelects multiple Adjustment Typesselect ADJ_TYPE from HOSPITAL_ADJUSTMENT

Value Listjava.util.ListAllows you to load a specific value list to search and selectselect VALUE_LIST_ID from HOSPITAL_VALUE_LIST_MASTER

EmployeeJava.util.StringSelects a single Employeewhere e.emp_id = $P{empID}

Employee Listjava.util.ListSelects multiple employees

Unitjava.lang.LongSelects one unitselect HOSPITAL_UNIT_ID from HOSPITAL_REMINDERS

Unit Listjava.util.ListSelects multiple units

Inventory Locationjava.lang.LongSelects one inventory location

Inventory Location Listjava.util.ListSelects multiple inventory locations

Catalog itemjava.lang.LongSelects one catalog item

Catalog Item Listjava.util.ListSelects multiple catalog items

Productjava.lang.LongSelects one product

Product Listjava.util.ListSelects multiple products

Product Linejava.lang.LongSelects one product lineWhere l.product_line = $P{product_line}

Product Line Listjava.util.ListSelects multiple product lines

Product Seqjava.lang.LongSelects a range of product sequencesAnd m.product_seq_id = $P{seq}

Clientjava.lang.StringSelects one client

Client Listjava.util.ListSelects multiple clients

Resultjava.lang.LongSelects one result

Result Listjava.util.ListSelects multiple results

VetView Wiki

Most recent releases of VetView:  Version 5.0.2 and 4.2.8 Hotfix (Released 12/20/2024) 


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