Add Transfer Request Items
This functionality is new as of version 4.1.
The ‘Add Any Inventory Product’ privilege, in the ‘Inventory Module’, provides the ability to add Products that are outside of the Inventory Area’s list of Products, to Inventory Transfer Requests.
This option is only available to Users who have the ‘Inventory Transfer’ Elevated Privilege for the Destination Inventory Area.
In order to have access to Add Any Inventory Product:
One of the following must apply:
The User is assigned to the Destination Inventory Area (Hospital Unit), and has the 'Inventory Transfer' Elevated Privilege; OR,
The User is a member of a Security Role that is assigned to the Destination Inventory Area (Hospital Unit), and has the 'Inventory Transfer' Elevated Privilege.
And, one of the following must apply:
The User must have the ‘Add Any Inventory Product’ Assigned Privilege; OR,
The User is a member of a Security Role that has the ‘Add Any Inventory Product’ Assigned Privilege.
To Add the ‘Add Any Inventory Product’ Privilege:
Navigate to the ‘Role Management’ screen for the appropriate Role.
'Role Management' screen → 'Add Any Inventory Product' privilegeEnable the ‘Add Any Inventory Product’ privilege.
To Add Any Inventory Product to an Inventory Transfer Request:
Navigate to the ‘Inventory Transfer Request’ screen.
'Inventory Transfer Request' screen → 'Add Any Inventory Product' buttonClick the ‘Add Any Inventory Product’ button - located to the right of the ‘Product’ field.
This will toggle the ability to add:
‘Selected Unit Products’; and,
'Any Inventory Product'