Print Picklist report (Purchase Order)

This functionality is new as of version 4.1.

The ‘Picklist’ report can be printed from four screens, and provides the ability to print or export the Picklist Details.

The ‘Picklist’ report is printed from:

To Print the 'Picklist' report from the ‘Purchase Order Details’ screen:

  1. Navigate to the ‘Purchase Order Details’ screen for a Purchase Order with ‘New’ Status.

    'Purchase Order Details' screen - 'Picklist' button
    'Purchase Order Details' screen → 'Picklist' button
  2. Click the ‘Picklist’ button.

  3. The ‘Add Picklist’ dialog will open.

  4. Skip to Step #3 in the ‘To Print the ‘Picklist’ report’ section below.