Notifications Search

Notifications Search

The Notifications Search page for VetView is for hospital administrators, Human Resources, and other supervising personnel to search for and monitor communications that are sent within VetView.  System notifications are available for anyone with access to this page to search, but a separate privilege is required to access personal messages that are sent directly between users.  

This page can be useful in resolving disputes between departments - for example, if oncology says that a prescription was not prepared in time for a patient's appointment, the timing of the Request and Approval notifications that were sent to users can be found on this screen.  Or if one department says a Request was not completed in a timely manner, the Request Complete notification can be found, even without logging into the individual user's accounts.

Notifications Search

You can search notices by Sent To, Sent From, Status (Read. Unread, Deleted), the actual text included in the message, a date range, the type of message (Request notification, Prescription notification, etc), the links included in the message, and a specific link value (URL) if that is known.

Note that not all messages will be utilized by VetView - whether or not a message is fired off after certain events is determined by your Hospital or Lab setup options.

Search Results

Results are output into a standard list in the bottom half of the screen.  All results will be found, but you can limit the total results per page, and use the pagination tool to view additional results. 

Results will display in reverse chronological order from Date Created, with the oldest messages appearing first. 

The text column will expand as needed to display the entire body of the message, including line breaks if the message was sent from user to user or pasted from an email.

Links on this screen are live and will go to the appropriate patient, episode, prescription, or accession.

VetView Wiki

Most recent releases of VetView:  Version 4.1.3 Hotfix (Released 2/16/2024)
