Complete Delivery

This functionality is new as of version 4.0.

After the Purchase Order has been ‘Sent’, the next step in the Purchase Order Process is to ‘Receive’ the Inventory Delivery.

In order to have access to Complete a Delivery:

One of the following must apply:

  • For a single Purchase Order, multiple Deliveries might be received.

  • ‘Deliveries’ represent the different shipments, and can be performed at any time.

  • After adding a Delivery, it will remain ‘Incomplete’ until all of the quantities are 'Received', or ‘Cancelled’.

  • When all of the Purchase Order Items have been partially or completely ‘Received’, and/or partially ‘Cancelled’, the Purchase Order Status is updated to ‘Complete’.

  • If all of the Purchase Order Items are Cancelled, the Purchase Order Status is updated to ‘Cancelled’.

To Complete a Purchase Order Delivery:

  1. Navigate to the ‘Purchase Order Details’ screen → ‘PO Delivery’ tab.

    1. Refer to .

      'Purchase Order Details' screen - 'PO Delivery' tab - 'Mark Delivery Complete' button
      'Purchase Order Details' screen → 'PO Delivery' tab → 'Mark Delivery Complete' button
  2. In order for the ‘PO Delivery’ tab to be available, the Purchase Order Status must be ‘Sent’.

  3. Add the ‘Shipping & Handling’, and ‘Taxes’ from the invoice.

  4. Upload the Packing Slip, or any other documents associated with the Delivery.

  5. Complete the ‘Received Qty’, and ‘Unit Cost’ for each Product.

  6. Add Comments, and any of the applicable Unique Inventory Attributes for each Product.

  7. Click the ‘Mark Delivery Complete’ button to complete the Delivery Process.

  8. The ‘Complete Delivery’ dialog will open.

    'Purchase Order Details' screen - 'PO Delivery' tab - 'Complete Delivery' dialog
    'Purchase Order Details' screen → 'PO Delivery' tab → 'Complete Delivery' dialog
  9. Select to ‘Auto Stock’ or ‘Add Delivery to Stocking List’.

    1. Refer to:

  10. Click the ‘Complete Delivery’ button to complete the Delivery; OR,

    1. The Purchase Order Status will be updated to ‘Received’.

    2. The Purchase Order Delivery can not be edited once the Purchase Order Status is updated to ‘Received’.

      1. Refer to

  11. Click the ‘Cancel’ button to cancel the operation and return to the ‘Purchase Order Details’ screen → ‘PO Delivery’ tab.