Employee Type Setup

Employee Type Setup

The Employee Type Setup screen is used to create and alter employee types.  These are used as categories of position classifications on the User Management Screen.

These types do not have direct functionality on VetView, but can be used for certain types of accounting and HR reports.

Clicking the Add New Record button or selecting a employee type displays the Edit Form panel.

Employee TypeThe name of the Employee Type as it will appear throughout the system.
DescriptionA larger text field to further describe the employee type.  If the main employee type is an acronym or abbreviation, the full name can be entered here.
Active FlagIndicates that this employee type is active and available throughout the system.  If checked, this employee type will show up as an option on the user management screen.
Last UpdatedThe date that the employee type record was last changed.
Updated ByThe last user who made changes to this employee type record.

VetView Wiki

Most recent releases of VetView:  Version 4.1.3 Hotfix (Released 2/16/2024)