The purpose of the VetView Admissions System is to allow you to create pre-admissions, link patients to clients and RDVMs, schedule appointments, and attach any relevant information for the upcoming visit to the patient's record in the PA section.
For details regarding the specific workflows on this screen, please visit How To Create and Check-in a Patient.
Admission Systems Screens
- Admission Search
- New Admission / PA Screen
The PA information that is captured feeds into the Patient Record. Once the patient has been checked in, the Pre-Admission process is considered closed, and all further changes associated with the episode will continue to take place on the Patient Record instead.
VetView's systems are designed around patients. The minimum information needed to make a pre-admission on the Admission screen is the patient name and species, the owner's name, the hospital unit, type of appointment, and the Main Reason for the appointment.
The Attending clinician is not required at the time of PA creation, but must be assigned before the patient can be checked in. (Attending clinicians can be auto assigned via the schedule as of VetView 2.0 to streamline this process.)
Other Features on the PA Screen
- Add or view Pre-Admission Documents
- Add document attachments, such as referral letters
- Associate RDVMs and Clinics with the patient
- Create Estimates
- Print Patient Labels
- View Patient or Client Alerts
- Schedule an appointment for this PA
- View other upcoming scheduled appointments associated with the client
- View reminders associated with the client
- Build out the personnel for the episode
- Add additional client contacts
- Indicate that the PA is a Field Service visit or an ASAQ Eligible Visit (Montreal only.)
- Consult only visits (e.g. a phone call with a DVM or reviewing referral documentation)