Patient Record System
The VetView Patient Record System allows you to track all visits, labwork, medication, and supporting documentation for an individual patient in a second location. The Patient Record also links a patient to its clients (owners, RDVMs, etc) and the personnel who have seen the patient over the course of its visits. Historical information is preserved and archived, and for lab work that has numerical results, the information can be charted in a graph over time.
Patient Record System Screens
- Patient Records
- Patient List (My Episodes)
- Patient Census
- Medical Records Management
- Client Portal
Patient Record Shortcuts
Case Number: If you know the patient's case number, you can enter it on the top of any screen in VetView in the "patient number search" box, and jump to the Patient Record immediately
Home Page Widgets: My Open Episodes, Unit Open Episodes, and Patient Reminders can all be used to immediately access relevant patient records
Patient Link Shortcuts: Any place in the VetView System that has the patient name and case number in a blue link that is underlined can be used to immediately open the patient record using CTRL+Click. This includes email notifications and VetView mail notifications.
Features of the Patient Record System
- Visits sorted by Date
- Filters on visits by date or medical record categories
- Patient Alerts
- Patient / Product Reminders
- Vitals Tracking
- Lab Results in graphical form ('View Past Results")
- Master Problem List
- Customizeable medical record documents
- Integration with third party imaging systems
- Comprehensive Prescription History
- Patient Summary
- Patient Communication Log
- Patient Contacts
- Medical Record Tracking
- Medical Record Deficiencies
- Customizeable Medical Record Categories
- Document Attachments
- Prepaid Billing Packages and Time-of-service Packages
- Tag tracking system
- Diagnosis Coding