Product Details Screen

Product Details Screen

Product Details Screen

Product Identifiers

The Product Details screen contains two major sections at the top, and a series of tabs at the bottom.

The first section at the top is basic product identifiers.

This includes the Product Name, the description, the product name as you wish it to appear on patient orders, the standard code (if used), the Product Type, Product Category, any associated Service Units, and whether the unit can be changed on an Order.  The Active flag to disable a product in the system is also here.

These options are the same for all products in the system.

Product Setup Options

This section controls which tabs are available on the bottom portion of the screen.  For all products, the screens that will appear at a minimum are the Product Details and Medical Record screens.

Multi-Item, Prescription Setup, Control Drug Machine Setup, and ASAQ Eligible are all optional tabs that you can turn on for any product.

The Inventory Tab is  controlled by setting the product as a Product Type of Inventory. Inventory items are anything that has a finite amount of stock.  (For internal equipment that is re-used, services, or service fees, do not use Product Type: Inventory as those do not have physical limits which must be tracked. Internal equipment can have a sub-type of Inventory Item if you want to catalog it during inventory audits.)

Basic Tabs

There are two basic tabs that are on every product, regardless of its classification:  Product Details, and Medical Record Options.

The Product Details section contains many sections outlining specific circumstances for product charges.  

Product Pricing

This section controls the most basic product pricing for this product.

Actual Sales Unit CostThe amount that your vendor charged you for this product.
Pricing BasisThe base price against which all multipliers will be used.  
Sales UnitThe unit of measure against which this product will be priced.  Note that certain products can be sold in Fractional Quantities when applicable.  The fraction will be of this unit.
MarkupThe markup applied to this product's Pricing Basis.  Markups are customized under the Product Setup screen.
Volume DiscountWhen a large volume of certain products are purchased, you may also grant an automatic discount.  For example, if a customer purchases a 90 day supply instead of a 30 day.  These discounts are set up under the product setup screen.
Fractional QtyThis product can be split into smaller units of sale than one.
Client Type DiscountAllows you to turn off the pre-set discount based on the client type, such as students or staff, or participation in a community discount program.  
Auto Update PriceIf the price is adjusted on this Product Setup, the change should immediately reflect on any open bills.
Minimum PriceRecommended for small volume products that may be sold in quantities that would not on their own produce enough revenue to justify the time for your staff to prepare the product for sale, e.g. inexpensive liquids such as prednisolone. 

Selected Taxes

The Selected Taxes section allows you to choose which pre-defined tax percentages are applicable to this product.

Depending on your state laws, certain types of products may not require state or local taxes.  These taxes can thus be customized on a per product basis.

Price Calculator

The price calculator tool is a small feature that lets you get a precise amount that a product will be charged based on the current settings.

This tool will pull in any volume discounts, any service fees, taxes, and other charges that are applicable for a given quantity.

Reorder Quantities

The Reorder Quantities section lets you define at which stock levels the Inventory Reorder system will prompt you to order more of this product.

For products whose sales to stock ratio, or whose stock to order ratio is not 1:1 this section also allows you to differentiate between what is a critical Sales level vs a Stock level, and how much you should actually order to account for usage between when the PO is placed and the order is shipped.

Default Vendor's Product Info

If a vendor has been set as the default for this product under the Vendor tab, then this section will display the stored information regarding the product.

Otherwise, if there is no default vendor, it will display each field as grayed out.

Prior Two Purchase Orders

If this product has been previously ordered, the results and status of the last two purchase orders associated with the product will display in this section.

Service Fees

This panel allows you to add other products that have been added as a type of "service fee" to the system.

This is an alternative way of defining a minimum price, or can be used in conjunction with the minimum price to account for the time and efforts of your staff to prepare a product for sale.


The synonym section allows you to define additional search strings in the product lookup that will reach this box.  For example, "saline" for brand names of various saline solution products.  

Note that the synonym is not the same as a generic which is used to link pharmacy products together as a family and apply bulk attributes to them.  The synonym is only used for search purposes, and can be used for products that are not necessarily defined as a pharmacy product.  See the Generic tab for more information on how to define and link generic families to products.

Alternate IDs

Alternate IDs are additional product numbers (besides the line and seq number) that you can associate with a product.  This includes barcode numbers, CDM numbers, lab product numbers, or any other custom number you wish to link to this product.


The notes section allows you to add any free text notes regarding this product that you wish.  This could be anything from a preferred color by certain clinicians, to the last time the vendor's sales representative sent you a new catalog.

Medical Record Options

The Medical Record options tab allows you to control how this information will appear in an episode for the patient.

The default is as a Medication, but the other options are Antiparasitic, Over the Counter, Vaccine, and Euthanasia. 

  • Medication will mark the product as a medication given during the course of the episode that is not a vaccine, anti-parasitic, or a prescription product.  However, medications can have labels printed out like prescriptions.  
  • Antiparasitic should be used to indicate the patient was treated with a prescription product within the office, e.g. a flea bath, or a de-worming medication, but a prescription for take-home was not issued. 
  • Over the Counter is intended for non-medicinal products sold during the course of the episode, such as treats, toys, etc. Labeling information can still be printed for these products, including expiration dates and instructions.
  • Vaccine will add the product to the patient's printed Vaccine report.
  • Euthanasia will automatically update the patient to be deceased and the date of the order as the date of the patient being euthanized.

Census Options as of 2.2 only include the ability to flag this Product as a potential Board charge.  This allows it to be added to patient locations as a Board charge, and to the census directly.  

Patient Options as of version 2.2 only include the ability to flag this Product as a Spay/Neuter.  This indicates that when the product is charged, the patient's sex should be automatically updated in the demographics based on Sex Setup.  For example, a patient with a Female sex will automatically change to Female Spayed, if that has been designated under the Sex Setup screen.   The process is only completed when the episode is Discharged.

For products dispensed through a Controlled Drug Machine, you can further customize these routing rules on the CDM tab. 


If your school has ASAQ turned on, you can set up how this product is tracked against ASAQ eligible orders.

if your school is not participating in ASAQ then you should leave this option disabled for all products.

Inventory Tab

The Inventory tab contains two sub tabs.

Inventory Sub Tab

The first Inventory sub tab allows you to immediately add inventory for your product without going through the PO or Inventory system.  For new products, this allows you to quickly account for a new item in your stock after product creation. 

Vendor Sub Tab

On the Vendor sub tab, you can also establish the Vendors who will be associated with the product, and the quantities for ordering on future POs from that vendor.

These links are cross referenced in the database, so that in the future, inventory added on this screen will appear in the correct place on the Inventory pages, and vendors will show the established product link on their setup screens as well.


Multi-Item is intended for products which are combined into a pack and sold as a unit, or for compounded products using a set "recipe" that are sold in standardized units. 

For pharmaceutical products which are compounded on the fly, the individual items and quantities can be mixed at the point of fill instead of being pre-mixed.

Pricing Type: SetMeans the price will be defined at the product level on the first tab.  
Pricing Type: SelectAllows you to choose which products in the pack will be charges, and which will not (e.g. a sealed pack may require tape but that tape will not be charged to the client.)
Pricing Type: SumWill charge the total amount of each of the recipe components upon sale.
Packaging Type:  Items are not separableUpon cancellation of the product from an order, the items are not returned to Inventory and will remain as Used, although they will not be marked as Sold either.
Packaging Type:  Items can be reusedUpon cancellation of this multi-item product from an order, the items will be returned to inventory.

Prescription Setup Tab

The prescription setup tab allows you to define how a product will behave when it is intended to be issued as a prescription to a patient.

Drug Profiles:  Prescription Information

This section lets you define the drug name as you want it to appear on the patient labeling, the administering unit if it is different from the sales unit (e.g. sold as 10 ML vial but administered in 0.5 ML units), the drug strength, the NDC number if it is known, and any other prescription information such as the drug class, the pharmacy that should issued it, whether it is part of Prescription Monitoring, and whether it requires a Medication Administration Record (MAR.)

Drug NameThe name of the drug as it should appear on the prescription, if it is different from the name of the drug in your inventory.
Admin UnitThe unit by which the drug should be administered on the prescription, if it is different from the unit of sale.  This is the unit that will appear on the MAR.
Drug StrengthThe quantity and unit of measure the admin unit of each of the product contains.  useful for calculation conversions when a product is out of stock.
NDCThe National Drug Code number for this product, if your pharmacy uses that system.
Drug DescriptionThe description of the drug as it should appear on the client label.  For compound products, this can prevent confusion over a commonly used name for the mixture, versus the primary component products.
Drug ClassThe Drug Class as defined by your Pharmacy Setup.  May restrict refill and drug expiration dates depending on the setup.
PharmacyRestricts this drug to only be issued at the specified pharmacy.  Use this for products that can only be dispensed at certain locations, such as compounded products. 
PMPEnables the Prescription Monitoring Program for hospitals that participate.  Details on this drug's prescriptions will automatically be included in the PMP report.  
MARRequire an Administration Record when this drug is dispensed for in-hospital use.  Drugs that are dispensed with the Go-Home labeling will ignore the flag.

Drug Profiles:  Prescription Instructions

 For frequently prescribed products, you can pre-build a set of instructions for the request.  This allows the prescribing clinician to choose from a default option based on species, or several other common options.  

The options listed here are identical to how they will appear on the Prescription Request window.

Withdrawal terms will only be pulled over when the product is prescribed to a patient who has one or more of the flags checked.  The flags will not pull over when the patient does not fall under the specified categories. 

Draft Terms Setup Subtab

This screen allows you to set up the "draft terms" that are available on the prescription.  (This feature was from UVIS and has been imported mostly unaltered on any products that were also imported from UVIS.)  Use this to define and limit the available administration routes for the product, the durations, the frequency, etc.  This is an alternate set up for the Drug Profile (pre-defined instructions) for products that have a wide range of possible doses and frequencies.

Generic Link Subtab

The Generic tab allows you to establish this product as part of a generic drug family.  This means that any Drug Info sheets or Auxilliary tabs that were defined at the Generic level will inherit down.  Use this to build a family of related drugs, and limit the amount of set up work required for each product in the family.  After linking a generic, all other products in the same generic family will be displayed on this tab, so you can see related or alternate formulations of the product.

Generic Info Subtab

This tab shows any of the inherited Auxiliary information that came from the generic family set up.   Inherited information will display in bold blue text.  It also shows any custom labels that were added from the Auxiliary tab itself, so you can confirm there is no duplicate information.

Auxiliary Subtab

This tab allows you to add additional labels to the product, and any additional drug info sheets, besides those inherited from the generic family.

This page also allows you to control whether the labels on this product need to be printed on the prescription label as well (required by state law in some places) and whether the drug info sheet should default to printing as part of the label.  For products that are used primarily for inpatients, you can default the printing to off to save paper.  For products primarily sent home with clients, you can default the drug information sheets to on, to ensure that the clients have any information required by law.

Interactions and Warnings

This tab allows you to put any warnings and interactions as part of clinical information, for supervisors and students.  These warnings will appear on the Prescription Request screen when the product is added.  Warnings can be related to species, to the age of the patient, to weights, to other products (via the generic link), or as a free form warning without any specific restriction.    The text for each warning can be customized, and the text will display on mouse over of the Warning icon next to the product name.

Control Drug Machine Setup

Control Drug Machine Setup allows you to assign behaviors to products when they are pulled from a CDM, when that CDM is set up to act as a mini inventory area or a dispensary.  (See the Control Drug Machine Setup page for defining routing rules.)

The Pricing Calculator from the product details tab is included here for your convenience, if Enable Price Override is checked. 

CDM Product CodeThe code for this drug as it is stored in your CDM setup.  These must match to accurately track and bill the products dispensed from your CDM to VetView.
Enable Price OverrideWhen a product is drawn from a CDM, it will use this pricing information instead of the main product pricing information.  This prevents you from having to set up duplicate products for CDM and standard prescriptions just to have different prices.
Bill TransactionsProducts pulled from the CDM under a patient's name will automatically have the charges applied to the patient orders.
Generate PrescriptionThis product, when drawn from a CDM under a patient's name, will automatically add a prescription on the patient's record.  Note that CDM draws against a Patient Profile must have the prescription issued first.
Generate Medication RecordFor non prescription products that should still appear on the patient record to indicate they were issued to the patient, they can automatically appear in the Medication Record section instead.  The defaults will be whatever is set up n the Medical Record tab for this drug.
NoneNo action will be taken on the patient record. 
Default InstructionsThe instructions that should be printed on the prescription label when this product is drawn from a CDM.
Default CommentAny additional comment that should be added to a prescription when this product is drawn from a CDM. 

The defaults for machines are Bill Transactions and  None - that is, to simply record that the transaction occurred on the Control Drug Machine Log, and add the charge to the patient's order.

For products which are medications or for which you will need to apply an instruction label (e.g. an e-collar) you can tell the product to Generate Medication Record and have it land on the Medication section of the patient's episode, at which point labeling information can be entered.

For controlled substances which require a prescription, you can tell the machine to Generate Prescription.  These prescriptions will be marked as Requested, and then immediately Filled once a DVM approves them.  If a DVM does the draw from the CDM, then product will automatically move to Filled and no approval is necessary.  Prescriptions will also allow you to enter in labeling information on the patient record, in order to send the product home with the client.

Enable Price Override options

VetView can change the price set used for a particular product when it is drawn from a CDM, instead of having to have the same product with different line and seq numbers in order to have different pricing.

When the box is checked, several new panels appear.

Product Pricing allows you to set a custom base price for the product.  You can define a custom markup for products pulled from a CDM, and also apply existing volume discounts or exclude a product from client discounts.  

Selected Taxes allows you to define which taxes in your state or province are applicable to a given product.

Service Fee / Add-On Definitions allow  you to include a line item service fee into the product pricing basis, separate from the markup or taxes.  For example, if you wish to charge an extra $1 for all draws from a CDM, you can define a service fee with those characteristics and have it automatically included in the pricing basis.

Return to the Main Product Setup Page

Return to Pharmacy Setup 

VetView Wiki

Most recent releases of VetView:  Version 5.0.2 and 4.2.8 Hotfix (Released 12/20/2024) 

To see commonly used terms in VetView Hospital, please visit our Hospital Glossary of Terms.


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