Product Line Setup Tab

Product Line Setup Tab

The Product Line Setup tab is where you add and edit the product lines for your lab system.  Lab product lines can be sorted into categories based on the lab catalog the product will be associated with, physical products, fees, services, shipping costs, and any other type of category that is needed to keep your lab products organized.

Product Line Setup List

The list loads as soon as this tab is selected.  You can use the navigation buttons at the bottom of the window to search through the list.  The list can also be sorted based on line, description, and whether it is active or inactive.

Add New Product Category

Click on the Add button to add a new product category.  A small window will appear.

Enter in the Line number that you want (must be unique) and the description.  Click on Save.

Your new product line will be added to the list, and become available for use when creating new products.

Edit Product Line

Select the product line you wish to edit from the list, and click on the Edit button.  The Edit Form for window for the product line you selected will open.

Make your changes, and then click on the Save button.

Product lines cannot be deleted from VetView after they are added.  If a product line will no longer be used, change the status to Inactive.  Move any products that will still be used in your system to a different product line, as they will become inactive as well. 

VetView Wiki

Most recent releases of VetView:  Version 4.1.3 Hotfix (Released 2/16/2024)