Labs Identifier Setup

Labs Identifier Setup

The Identifier Setup screen is where you can add in custom identifiers for your accessions.  Identifiers can be used for test tracking, research purposes, and any other use where you may want to be able to search for accessions beyond a simple lab, tag, or test.

Identifiers are built using a simple tree hierarchy, such that a parent can have child identifiers when appropriate.

Identifiers can also be indicated to print on the Accession Report.

Identifier Tree

The page will load with all of your custom identifiers in a tree structure.

Add New Parent Identifier

To add a new top level identifier to the tree structure, click on the New Identifier button.  A window will open to add in the identifier details.

Parent IdentifierIf this window was opened using the Add Identifier underneath an existing identifier, this will display the parent.  For a New  (parent level) Identifier, this will display none.
Identifier NameThe name of the identifier as it will appear on the Accession screen.
Active FlagIndicates this identifier is still active and available to use in the system.  
PrintIndicates that this identifier should be included in the Accession Report, in addition to the standard client details.  
Show StateInclude the State/Province field as part of the identifier.  The state drop down menu will pull from the selected country options.
Show CoordinatesInclude the Coordinate field as part of the identifier.  Use this for geolocation identifiers for NAHLN reports. 

Add New Child Identifier

To add a new identifier as a child to an existing parent, click on the Add Identifier link underneath the parent.   The window will open similar to New Identifier, but the parent will load in that field, and once saved it will appear as a child in the tree structure.

Setup & Admin Guides

VetView Wiki

Most recent releases of VetView:  Version 4.1.3 Hotfix (Released 2/16/2024)
