Inventory Locations subtab

Inventory Locations subtab


VetView Wiki

Most recent releases of VetView:  Version 5.0.4 (Released 3/10/2025) and 4.2.10 Hotfix (2/28/2025) 

This page may contain functionality not found in the current version of VetView.


This is the Inventory Locations subtab.


Following is a list of mockups for this screen:

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Fields and Controls

The following table lists all of the fields and controls found on this screen.  The fields and controls are grouped by their location on the screen; for example, buttons on a 'section' or columns in a 'data grid'.  Use the controls at the top of the table to change the sort, grouping, and row height.  To see more of the cell content,  click on the cell expansion control located at the top-right corner of a selected cell.



How To...

Setup Inventory Locations for an Inventory Area

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  1. Navigate to the 'Hospital Setup' screen.

  2. Select the 'Hospital' from the drop-down list.
  3. Select the 'Unit Setup' tab.
  4. Select the 'Unit'.

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  5. Select the 'Inventory Locations' subtab.

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    1. Select an existing location.
    2. Click the 'Edit' button; or,
    3. Click the 'Add' button to add a new location.
    4. Select the 'Default' option for one of the locations.
    5. Click the 'Save' button save your changes.

    In order for the location to appear in drop-down lists, the 'Active' option must be checked.

    When the 'Default' option is checked, the selected location will be used as the default location when inventory is auto-received.  All Inventory Areas that wish to Auto-Receive Inventory must have a 'Default Inventory Location'.

    When the 'Hide from Transfer' option is checked, the inventory held in the Inventory Location will not be available on the 'Inventory Transfer' screen.

Setup Requirements

The Inventory Transfer Receiving functionality is not currently available; therefor, each Hospital Unit that is designated as an Inventory Area, must also be set to 'Auto Receive Inventory'.

Each Inventory Area must also be assigned a 'Default Inventory Location'.

Hide an Inventory Location from the 'Inventory Transfer' screen


Inventory Location Hierarchical Structure

The Inventory Location Hierarchical Structure provides the ability to define a model that represents the physical space where inventory is stored.  The structure is defined by Inventory Location Levels, which act as a template or model for the hierarchical structure of the Inventory Location Structure within the Inventory Areas (Hospital Units).  The Inventory Location Structure is what contains the Inventory Locations that are ultimately assigned as the place where inventory is physically located.

Inventory Location Levels (Model)

The Inventory Location Levels act as a model that defines the levels within the hierarchical structure of the Inventory Location Structure.  Each Hospital Unit that is defined as an Inventory Area must have at least one set of Inventory Location Levels.  Within the set of Inventory Location Levels, one of the levels must be selected as the Reporting Level which defines the level at which reports (such as the ‘Inventory Transfer Shopping List’) will be grouped.  Only one of the levels within a given set of levels can be designated as the Reporting Level.  In order to refer to each location with a single Location Tag, the levels are assigned a Short Code that is 1 or 2 characters (displayed in parenthesis in the example below).  The Short Code is used as a key to identify the level, within the Location Tag - a single string of characters that describe the location.  For example: in the example below, the Location Tag 'W:Main – R:A – S:I – Sh:1' refers to Shelf 1, in Section I, of Row A, in the Main Warehouse.

 Example ...

The hospital’s 'Main Storage' Inventory Area is a large room called ‘Warehouse’, and within the warehouse there are rows of shelving units, and each row contains a number of vertical sections, and each section contains a number of horizontal shelves where the inventory is actually stored.  The following list of Inventory Location Levels would be defined for the ‘Main Storage’ Inventory Area.  'Main Storage' might also have a 'Cold Storage' room with sections of shelves.  For the 'Warehouse', reports will group by the second level (Row); and for the 'Cold Storage', reports will group by the top level (Cold Storage) – designated by the asterisk (*).

Inventory Location Levels for 'Main Storage':

  1. 'Main StorageInventory Area:
    1. Warehouse (W)
      1. Row (R) *
        1. Section (S)
          1. Shelf (Sh)
    2. Cold Storage (CS) *
      1. Section (S)
        1. Shelf (Sh)

The hospital’s 'Pharmacy' Inventory Area has its own Inventory Locations that are referred to as ‘Rolling Shelves’, ‘Cold Storage’, and ‘Fill Stock’; and within those Inventory Locations, there are sections of shelves with sections and shelves.  The following list of Inventory Location Levels would be defined for the ‘Pharmacy’ Inventory Area:

Inventory Location Levels for 'Pharmacy':

  1. 'PharmacyInventory Area:
    1. Pharmacy (P)
      1. Zone (Z)
        1. Shelf (Sh) *
          1. Section (S)
            1. Bin (B)

Inventory Location Structure

The Inventory Location Structure is a hierarchical list of physical locations that model the physical space used to store products in inventory for each Inventory Area.  The Inventory Location Structure is constructed using the Inventory Location Levels defined for the Inventory AreaLocation Tags are used to navigate to the specific location of a product in inventory.  In the examples below, the Location Tags are listed in brackets.

 Example ...
  1. 'Main Storage' Inventory Area:
    1. Warehouse [W:Main]
      1. Row A [W:Main – R:A]
        1. Section I [W:Main – R:A – S:I]
          1. Shelf 1 [W:Main – R:A – S:I – Sh:1]
          2. Shelf 2 [W:Main – R:A – S:I – Sh:2]
          3. Shelf 3 [W:Main – R:A – S:I – Sh:3]
        2. Section II [W:Main – R:A – S:II]
          1. Shelf 1 [W:Main – R:A – S:II – Sh:1]
          2. Shelf 2 [W:Main – R:A – S:II – Sh:2]
          3. Shelf 3 [W:Main – R:A – S:II – Sh:3]
        3. Row B [W:Main – R:B]
          1. Section I [W:Main – R:B – S:I]
            1. Shelf 1 [W:Main – R:B – S:I – Sh:1]
            2. Shelf 2 [W:Main – R:B – S:I – Sh:2]
            3. Shelf 3 [W:Main – R:B – S:I – Sh:3]
          2. Section II [W:Main – R:B – S:II]
            1. Shelf 1 [W:Main – R:B – S:II – Sh:1]
            2. Shelf 2 [W:Main – R:B – S:II – Sh:2]
            3. Shelf 3 [W:Main – R:B – S:II – Sh:3]
    2. Cold Storage [CS:Main]
      1. Section I [CS:Main – S:I]
        1. Shelf 1 [CS:Main – S:I – Sh:1]
        2. Shelf 2 [CS:Main – S:I – Sh:2]
        3. Shelf 2 [CS:Main – S:I – Sh:2]
        4. Shelf 2 [CS:Main – S:I – Sh:2]
      2. Section II [CS:Main – S:II]
        1. Shelf 1 [CS:Main – S:II – Sh:1]
        2. Shelf 2 [CS:Main – S:II – Sh:2]
        3. Shelf 2 [CS:Main – S:II – Sh:2]
        4. Shelf 2 [CS:Main – S:II – Sh:2]
  2. 'Pharmacy' Inventory Area:
    1. Pharmacy [P:Pharmacy]
      1. Zone 1 (Rolling Shelves) [P:Pharmacy – Z:1]
        1. Shelf A [P:Pharmacy – Z:1 – Sh:A]
          1. Section 1 [P:Pharmacy – Z:1 – Sh:A – S:1]
            1. Bin 1 [P:Pharmacy – Z:1 – Sh:A – S:1 – B:1]
            2. Bin 2 [P:Pharmacy – Z:1 – Sh:A – S:1 – B:2]
            3. Bin 3 [P:Pharmacy – Z:1 – Sh:A – S:1 – B:3]
            4. Bin 4 [P:Pharmacy – Z:1 – Sh:A – S:1 – B:4]
          2. Section 2 [P:Pharmacy – Z:1 – Sh:A – S:2]
            1. Bin 1 [P:Pharmacy – Z:1 – Sh:A – S:2 – B:1]
            2. Bin 2 [P:Pharmacy – Z:1 – Sh:A – S:2 – B:2]
            3. Bin 3 [P:Pharmacy – Z:1 – Sh:A – S:2 – B:3]
            4. Bin 4 [P:Pharmacy – Z:1 – Sh:A – S:2 – B:4]
        2. Shelf B [P:Pharmacy – Z:1 – Sh:B]
          1. Section 1 [P:Pharmacy – Z:1 – Sh:B – S:1]
            1. Bin 1 [P:Pharmacy – Z:1 – Sh:B – S:1 – B:1]
      2. Zone 2 (Cold Storage) [P:Pharmacy – Z:2]
        1. Shelf A [P:Pharmacy – Z:2 – Sh:A]
        2. Shelf B [P:Pharmacy – Z:2 – Sh:B]
        3. Shelf C [P:Pharmacy – Z:2 – Sh:C]
      3. Zone 3 (Fill Stock) [P:Pharmacy – Z:3]
        1. Shelf A [P:Pharmacy – Z:3 – Sh:A]
          1. Section 1 [P:Pharmacy – Z:3 – Sh:A – S:1]
            1. Bin 1 [P:Pharmacy – Z:3 – Sh:A – S:1 – B:1]
            2. Bin 2 [P:Pharmacy – Z:3 – Sh:A – S:1 – B:2]
        2. Shelf B [P:Pharmacy – Z:3 – Sh:B]
          1. Section 1 [P:Pharmacy – Z:3 – Sh:B – S:1]
            1. Bin 1 [P:Pharmacy – Z:3 – Sh:B – S:1 – B:1]
            2. Bin 2 [P:Pharmacy – Z:3 – Sh:B – S:1 – B:2]

Screen Mockups

'Inventory Locations' subtab

The 'Hospital Setup' screen → 'Unit Setup' tab → ‘Inventory Locations’ subtab contains four sections:

  1.  Unit ...

    The 'Unit' section displays the list of Hospital Units.  When a unit is selected, a secondary row of tabs is displayed – one of which is the ‘Inventory Locations’ subtab, which contains three sections for the selected Hospital Unit.

  2.  Inventory Levels ...

    The 'Inventory Levels' section provides the ability to define the Inventory Levels for the Hospital Unit.

    Inventory Location Levels define a tree structure that models the hierarchy of the physical space where inventory is stored.  This model acts as a template for the ‘Inventory Locations’ section.  A context menu provides the ability to add, insert, edit, and delete levels within the model.  The context menu also provides the ability to specify which level is the Reporting Level within each of the Inventory Level Structures.  The Reporting Level determines how the ‘Inventory Transfer Request Shopping List’ report is grouped and paged.  Only one level, within a Inventory Level Structure, can be designated as the Reporting Level for that structure.  If a subordinate level is not selected as a Reporting Level, the primary level, for the structure, will act as the Default Reporting LevelInventory Levels can be dragged-and-dropped in order to arrange them within the hierarchy.

  3.  Inventory Locations ...

    The 'Inventory Locations' section provides the ability to define the Inventory Locations, within the Inventory Location Structure for the Hospital Unit.

    Inventory Locations define a tree structure, based on the Location Levels, which describes the physical space where inventory is store.  A context menu provides the ability to add, insert, edit, and delete Inventory Locations to the tree structure.  Products can be added or moved by dragging them from the ‘Products’ section to the right.  The Inventory Locations and products can be relocated within the structure by dragging-and-dropping them.

  4.  Products ...

    The 'Products' section provides a list of active products, with the ability to filter by Product Line Number, and to sort by any column.  Products can be dragged to the ‘Inventory Location’ section in order to associate them with one, or more, location.  When the product is associated to a location, the location will be listed in the right-hand column of the 'Products' list.  This is the 'Default Location' for the product, for the selected Inventory Area.

Products, Inventory, Locations, and Levels

The Products, Inventory, Locations, and Levels define four classes.  For each Inventory Area,  Products can belong to one Location, as the Default Product Location; and, Inventory can belong to multiple Locations, as the physical location of a Product; and, a Location can belong to a Level, and Levels can belong to each other in a recursive parent-child relationship called an Inventory Location Structure.  A property of the top-most Level within the Inventory Location Structure, is the Reporting Level, which names itself, or one of its children, as the ‘Reporting Level’.  Inventory reports (such as the ‘Inventory Transfer Request Shopping List’ report) will group by, and page break, at the Reporting Level.

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