Go To Product Setup for a Product Reorder Item

This functionality is new as of version 4.1.

After adding Product Reorder Items, the ‘Product Info’ screen can be opened directly from the Product Reorder Item using the ‘Go To Product Setup’ right-click menu option.

To Go To the Product Setup for a Product Reorder Item:

  1. Navigate to the ‘Product Reorder’ screen.

    1. Refer to .

  2. Click the ‘Save’ button.

    1. The right-click menu options will not be available for new Reorder Items until they are saved.

  3. Select a row that represents the Reorder Item.

  4. Right-click the row; OR,

  5. Click the ‘Pancake’ menu button at the right end of the row.

  6. Select the ‘Go To Product Setup’ menu option.

  7. The ‘Product Info' screen will open in a new browser tab.

    'Product Reorder' screen - 'Go To Product Setup' - 'Product Info' screen
    'Product Reorder' screen → 'Go To Product Setup' → 'Product Info' screen