Print Reorder List report

This functionality is new as of version 4.1.

The 'Reorder List' report can be printed for each Reorder List, and shows the Products, Vendors, Quantity On Hand, Pending Quantity, Ordered Quantity, and S:St Ratio for each Reorder Item.

To Print the ‘Reorder List’ report:

  1. Navigate to the ‘Product Reorder’ screen.

    1. Refer to .

      'Product Reorder' screen - 'Print List' button
      'Product Reorder' screen → 'Print List' button
  2. Click the ‘Line-Seq’ or ‘Product’ column heading to sort the list and report.

  3. Click the ‘Save’ button.

    1. New Product Reorder Items will not appear on the report until they are saved.

  4. Click the ‘Print List’ button.

  5. The ‘Product Reorder List’ report dialog will open.

    'Product Reorder' screen - 'Print List' - 'Product Reorder List' report dialog
    'Product Reorder' screen → 'Print List' → 'Product Reorder List' report dialog

Report Dialog Functionality: