Edit Vendor Product Details for a Product Reorder Item

This functionality is new as of version 4.1.

Vendor Product Details provide the ability edit the Vendor’s Product Details, such as packaging, pricing, and Manufacturer.

In order to have access to Edit the Vendor-Product Details:

One of the following must apply:

  • The User is assigned to the Destination Inventory Area (Hospital Unit), and has the 'Purchase Order' Elevated Privilege; OR,

  • The User is a member of a Security Role that is assigned to the Destination Inventory Area (Hospital Unit), and has the 'Purchase Order' Elevated Privilege.

  • Refer to:

To Edit the Vendor-Product Details for a Product Reorder Item:

  1. Navigate to the ‘Product Reorder’ screen.

    1. Refer to .

      'Product Reorder' screen - 'Edit Vendor Product Details' menu option
      'Product Reorder' screen → 'Edit Vendor Product Details' menu option
  2. Click the ‘Save’ button.

    1. The right-click menu options will not be available for new Reorder Items until they are saved.

  3. Select a row that represents the Reorder Item.

  4. Right-click the row; OR,

  5. Click the ‘Pancake’ menu button at the right end of the row.

  6. Select the ‘Vendor Product Details’ menu option.

  7. The ‘Vendor Product Details’ dialog will open.

    'Product Reorder' screen - 'Edit Vendor Product Details' - 'Vendor Product Details' dialog
    'Product Reorder' screen → 'Edit Vendor Product Details' → 'Vendor Product Details' dialog
  8. Modify the Vendor-Product details as needed:

    • Contract

    • Cost

    • Manufacturer

    • NDC

    • S:St and St:O Ratios

    • Stock and Order Units

    • Vendor Product Number

    • Vendor Product Name

  9. Click the ‘Save’ button to save the changes to the Vendor-Product Details, and close the dialog; OR,

  10. Click the ‘Cancel’ button to close the dialog without saving the changes.

  11. The new Vendor-Product Details will replace the selected Reorder Item in the ‘Product Reorder’ screen.

Editing the Vendor-Product Details via this dialog will not directly impact the Unique Inventory Attributes until the Purchase Orders are fully stocked.