Medical Record Options Tab

Medical Record Options Tab

Medical Record Options Tab

The Medical Record Options Tab allows you to indicate any special categories the product should appear in on the patient Medical Record.  Some of these flags will also generate changes to the patient status, such as spay/neuter, euthanasia, etc.

This tab must be enabled via Product Setup Options at the top of the screeen.

Medical Record and Billing Options

These options will display additional information on the episode when the product is added to the bill.

The Enabled flag indicates that this product should generate a entry in the Medication Medical Record Category on the Episode. 

While many of these options may seem redundant, they are included to allow you to exactly match any state requirements for non-prescription substances given to patients.

If a product requires a MAR per your state laws, then you will also need to flag it as a prescription on Product Setup.

Medication TypeDescription and Action
AntibioticWill display in the Antibiotic section under the Medication medical record group on the Episode
AntiparasiticWill display in the Antiparasitic section under the Medication medical record group on the Episode
EuthanasiaWill display in the Euthanasia section under the Medication medical record group on the episode, and indicate that the patient should be marked as Deceased upon Discharge
MedicationWill display in the Medication section under the Medication medical record group on the episode
OtherWill display in the Other section under the Medication medical record group on the episode
Over the CounterWill display in the Over the Counter section under the Medication medical record group on the episode
VaccineWill display in the Vaccine section under the Medication medical record group, and also flag this to appear under the Vaccine subtab on the Prescription tab.  These products will also print on the Vaccine report

All products flagged to route to any section of the Medication record group will appear on the printed medication report for the medication record group, but only products specified as euthanasia will mark the patient as deceased, and only products specified as a vaccine will print on the vaccine report. 

Additional Vaccine Options

In addition to appearing in the Vaccine section of the medication category, you can indicate whether this product should generate a printable vaccine certificate.

Medication TypeAny type will generate an entry in the Medication category, but Vaccines have additional options available
Vaccine TypeSpecifies the vaccine type to associate with this product.  Vaccine Types are created under Pharmacy Setup >  Patient Medication Setup > Vaccines Setup.   These are custom, and can be created however your hospital wishes to track them.
Generate Vaccine Certificate on BillThis option will prompt whoever is adding the product to fill out the information for a vaccine certificate.  Certain items will automatically be pulled in from the patient record, such as the patient demographics and a microchip if one was added to the Patient Tags.  Other information is generated in real time, such as the expiration date, based on the selection of 1 year or 3 year.
Default DurationIndicates whether the vaccine should be set to expire in 1 year or 3 years, based on today's date.
ID Tag / Type DefaultIndicates what Patient Tag should be created with this certificate.  A Vaccine Certificate is considered incomplete until a tag number has been entered on the certificate. 

Census Billing Options

If this charge should be available to the Patient Census  as a Location Product (under the Hospital Setup > Unit Setup > Patient Locations tab) turning on this flag will allow it to be visible there.  

In the image below, you can see that only three products are available as a Location Product under the Patient Locations for this unit.  This means only three products in the system currently have this flag turned on.

You can set as many board charge options as you need, depending on the species, the unit location, etc.  These can be tailored to each unit, and further refined for each patient location.  

Patient Options

Spay Neuter Patient

This allows you to automatically change the sex of the patient after a product is added to the patient's bill and the patient is discharged.  The change will occur based on the original sex of the patient, and the sex that it is flagged to automatically change to under Sex Setup in the Common Setup Options. 

For example, a stallion may be set to automatically go to a gelding under a product for equine castration.  A female may transform to female spayed under a standard small animal spay/neuter procedure. 

Turning this flag on eliminates a step in manually changing the patient's sex for castration, spay/neuter, and other similar procedures. 

In the image below from Sex Setup, a Male will transform to Male Neutered when this flag has been turned on and the product is added to the bill.

Quick Link Product to Patient Reminder

This drop down menu lets you select a product reminder to add to this product, if one does not automatically exist.  These are the product reminders created under the Reminder Setup tab.  A product can be associated with multiple reminders, but additional reminders will require that you manually add the products via Reminder Setup.

This option is for products that should have at least one reminder, but have not been added to anything yet. 

VetView Wiki

Most recent releases of VetView:  Version 5.0.4 (Released 3/10/2025) and 4.2.10 Hotfix (2/28/2025) 

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