Labs Report Setup

Labs Report Setup

Report Setup in VetView is the screen where you can interact with Jasper reports.  You can view and adjust settings on the built in system reports, and add new custom local reports with Jasper files that pull in data using Java beans or SQL queries.  

Report Search

At the top of this screen is a search tool to help you find specific reports.  After clicking on Search, reports that match the selected criteria will display in the Report List.

LaboratoryDisplays only reports associated with this specific lab.
NameSearches for reports based on a text string match in the report name. 
Report TypeDisplays only reports of the specific report type.  All local reports are included under the type Local Report.
SystemLimits the results to either only System reports, or includes optional custom reports.
DefaultLimits the results to only default reports, or includes all reports that match the rest of the criteria.
ActiveLimits the results to only active reports, inactive reports, or both.

Report List

When this screen first loads, all the reports in the system will be displayed in this list.  After clicking on Search, the criteria will be narrowed to whatever you selected as a match.

(minus)  (Image to be added when localization is fixed)

Add New Report

Click on the Add button to add a new report. 

The first panel of the Report Details screen will load.  You must select the lab, enter a report name, select the report type, data source, and printer type, and then click on the Save button, before the rest of the report details can be added.   (After selecting the Report Type, the other two fields may automatically fill in.)

Populate Templates

This function should be used on a fresh installation or import of the VetView database, to ensure that all the report templates are linked in the background. 

Report Details

After you have saved at least once, or if you open up an existing report from the list by clicking on the report name, the rest of the report details will open.

Jasper Files

These are the JRXML and Jasper template files,  You can have separate templates for PDF formatting and Excel formatting.

Sub Reports

Sub Reports can be used to build up a larger report using smaller pieces.  This way, if you only need to make changes to one piece, you don't have to modify an entire report/

Add New Sub Report

Click on the Add button to add a new sub report.  Give the sub report a name, and then upload the appropriate Jasper files.

Report Parameters

Certain Local Reports will allow you to add adjustable Report Parameters.   These parameters must be added for the report to function correctly.  On the Local Report screen, the user will be prompted to enter this information as well.

Add New Report Parameter

Click on the Add button to add a new report parameter.  A small window will appear.

Select the type, and give it a label and name, and a default value when appropriate.  Then click on the Save button to add the parameter.

Report Images

Report images can be added to the report after they are uploaded on the Report Images Tab (see next section.)  These reports should be pulled in by the Jasper template automatically based on name.  Images can be modified on the Report Images Tab without having to manually update the Jasper files.

Report Images

Images that you want to have accessible to multiple reports (such as a lab or organization logo) can be added once on the Report Images Tab and then added to the reports using the Report Images section.  When the file on Report Images is modified, any reports will start using the newer version, making it easy to update branding if the organization's logo changes in the future.

A preview of the file will appear when you click on the row with the file name, allowing you to verify you are looking at the correct image.

Add New Image

Click on the Add button to add a new image.  Your local system dialog box will appear to upload the image.

Replace an Existing Image

Select the row for the image you want to replace, and click on the Edit icon.  The local system dialog box will appear to upload the new image.

Delete an Image

If an image will no longer be used, you can delete it from the system.  Note that you must have removed it from all reports that are linked to the file before it can be deleted.

A list of all linked reports appears in the bottom of this tab.  Click on the report name to jump Report Details and remove the link from Report Images. 

VetView Wiki

Most recent releases of VetView:  Version 4.1.3 Hotfix (Released 2/16/2024)