Patient Record - Header

Patient Record:  Header

Expand or Collapse the Header

The header of the Patient Record displays some information about the patient, some information about the clients designated as Primary Owner and Primary Clinic, and a picture of the patient (if one is uploaded).

When you first access the patient record the header is usually collapsed.

To expand it click on the  button. 

When it is fully expanded, you can see additional at a glance details about the patient, such as date of birth and weight.

Upload a Patient Photo

Click on the icon that looks like three animal heads if you do not yet have a patient photo. 

   Hovering over the icon with the mouse will display the "Add Patient Photo" button. 

Click on this to open a file upload dialog box to select the patient's image from the local system (for example, if you have a web cam attached to the computer used for check-ins.)

Index Cards

The first index card displays patient information. Hovering over the info dot will display additional information regarding the patient.

The second index card displays information regarding the owner. Hovering over the info dot will display additional information regarding the owner.

The third index card displays  information regarding the primary RDVM, and the fourth index card displays information regarding the primary clinic.  If no primary RDVMs or clinics have been set for the patient, these cards will show as blank. 

Additional Episode Options

Clicking on the  button will display additional admin episode options:

  • Add Alert: Allows you to add alerts to the Alerts section of the record.
  • Create Episode: Allows you to create a new episode for this patient.
  • Merge Patient: Allows you to merge patient records together in case of duplication.  (This should only be done after merging duplicated client records, but before merging any two episodes.)

Clicking on the  will collapse the expanded header.
Click on this button to access the patient label. 

VetView Wiki

Most recent releases of VetView:  Version 4.1.3 Hotfix (Released 2/16/2024)