Purchase Order Details screen


  • Provides the ability to create, view, and edit Purchase Orders.
    • Purchase Order Header:
      • Purchase Order Number
      • Requisition Number
      • Purchase Order Date
      • Purchase Order Status
      • Charge Account Number
      • Vendor Information
      • Contract Information
      • Delivery Information
      • Number of Items Ordered, Received, and Cancelled
    • Purchase Order Details:
      • VetView Product Number and Name
      • Vendor Catalog Number and Product Name
      • Item Status
      • Vendor Unit and Extended Cost
      • Vendor Order Units and Quantity
    • Navigate to the 'Product Setup' screen
    • Add a product on-the-fly
    • Changes to Vendor-Product information, via the Purchase Order, can automatically update the vendor defaults on the 'Product Setup' screen.
    • Print, or Send, the Purchase Order

Purchase Order Picklist dialog

  • Provides the ability to create a purchase order by selecting items from a predefined list of products.

Purchase Order report

  • Provides the ability to view and print a single Purchase Order.
    • Purchase Order:
      • Header Details
      • Charge Account Number
      • Vendor Information
      • Delivery Information
    • Purchase Order Details:
      • VetView Product Number
      • Vendor Catalog Number and Product Name
      • Item Status
      • Vendor Unit and Extended Cost
      • Vendor Order Units and Quantity

VetView Wiki

Most recent releases of VetView:  Version 5.0.2 and 4.2.8 Hotfix (Released 12/20/2024) 

This page may contain functionality not found in the current version of VetView.



This is the Purchase Order Details screen.


Following is a list of mockups for this screen:

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Fields and Controls

The following table lists all of the fields and controls found on this screen.  The fields and controls are grouped by their location on the screen; for example, buttons on a 'section' or columns in a 'data grid'.  Use the controls at the top of the table to change the sort, grouping, and row height.  To see more of the cell content,  click on the cell expansion control located at the top-right corner of a selected cell.



How To...

Setup Configuration Options for Purchase Orders

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How to specify 'Delivery Information' for a purchase order that should be delivered to a location other than that of the Inventory Unit that created the purchase order.

  • As the Materials Manager, when you complete a purchase order, you may need to select a different delivery location.  For example: orders created by Central Receiving, may need to be delivered to the Teaching Hospital.  In this case, the Central Receiving should be the default, with the ability to choose a delivery contact at the Teaching Hospital when the purchase order is created. 

  1. Set the 'Default Delivery Contact' via the 'Hospital Setup' screen - 'Hospital Setup' tab → 'Inventory Defaults' section.

  1. For the default delivery contact, and any other User who will receive purchase orders, set their 'Inventory Shipping' Department, Building, and Room, via the 'User Profile' screen, or 'User Management' screen → 'Hospital Options' tab → 'Hospital Options' section.

  1. When creating the purchase order, select the delivery contact at the Teaching Hospital.

  1. The purchase order will print, or send, with the User, Department, Building, and Room of the selected 'Delivery Contact'.

Create a New Purchase Order

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  • Enter the 'Vendor', and if available, a 'Contract'.
    • To see contact information for the selected vendor, hover the cursor over the   (info dot) next to the 'Vendor' field.

    • To add a vendor 'on-the-fly', click the   ('Add') button next to the 'Vendor' field.  The 'Add Vendor' dialog will open.  After entering the required information about the new vendor, additional information can be specified or found on the 'Vendor Setup' screen.
  • Refer to 'Setup requirements...' below, for configuration options related to:
    • Univ. PO Number
    • Requisition No
    • E-PO Number
    • Unit
    • Direct Inquires To
    • Delivery Contact
    • Charge Account
  • Refer to the 'Inventory and Accounting Definitions' wiki page for the definition of inventory terms, and for details about fields and controls.
  • Click the   ('Save') button to save the purchase order and begin adding purchase order items.
    • If the 'Univ PO Number' or 'Requisition No' are auto-populated, they will be populated when the   ('Save') button is clicked.
  • Begin adding products (purchase order items).
    • Enter the product number, sequence number, or name.
    • Enter the 'Order Qty'.  This is the quantity to be ordered, in stock units.
    • Click the 'Save' button to save changes.
    • To see the 'Product Details' screen for the selected purchase order item in the 'Product List' section, click the   (package icon) button located on the right-hand side of each product.
    • To add products 'on-the-fly', click the   (green plus) button on the new row in the 'Product List'.  The 'Find / Add Product' dialog will open.  After entering the required information for the new product, additional information can be specified or found on the 'Product Setup' screen.
    • To view a list of the last five purchase orders for the selected product, hover the cursor over the   (info dot) next to the selected product.
    • Refer to 'Setup requirements...' below for more information about product defaults.

Purchase Order Status

  • The new purchase order will start in the 'New' status.  When the   ('Save') button is clicked, it will update to the 'Working' status.  Most of the purchase order information and products can be edited while in the 'New', 'Working', or 'Failed' status.

View and Edit a Purchase Order

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  • From the 'Purchase Order Details screen' screen, select the purchase order to be viewed and/or edited.
    • Either double-click the row, or select the   ('Edit') button.

  • The 'Purchase Order Details screen' screen will open.
  • Add and Edit Purchase Order Items:
    • If the status of the purchase order is either 'New', 'Working', or 'Failed', the items on the purchase order can be edited (refer to the fields highlighted in yellow in the image below).
      • If the User has the 'Choose from any Inventory Area on a Purchase Order Pick List' privilege, they will have the ability to choose products from any valid Inventory Area, and to add any active product to the purchase order without having to use a Pick List; if not,
      • If the User does not have the 'Choose from any Inventory Area on a Purchase Order Pick List' privilege, in order to add products to a purchase order, they must have access to the Inventory Area to which the Purchase Order Pick List belongs.
      • To select a Purchase Order Pick List, click the   ('Pick List') button at the top of the 'Product List' section.
      • If the product details are edited, you may be prompted to update the default values for the product and/or product and vendor.

  • After changes have been made, click the   ('Save') button to save the purchase order.

  • To create a product 'on-the-fly', click the   (green plus) button.
    • The 'Find / Add Product' dialog will open.
    • The required fields for a new product can be entered from this dialog.
  • To access the 'Product Setup Process' screen for the selected product, click the   (yellow box) button.
    • A new tab containing the 'Product Info' screen for the selected product will open, providing the ability to edit all of the attributes of the product.

Planned Improvements

key summary status


key summary status

Open Issues

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