Hospital Document Attachment

Hospital Document Attachment Privileges

The Document Attachment Screen allows for bulk import of scanned or electronic documentation to patient records.  This is found in Navigation under Medical Record Screens.

Document Attachment AccessGrants access to the Document Attachment Screen and displays it under Navigation.  Includes permission to upload, preview, and save documents.Document Attachment
ManagementAllows user to perform admin functions for document attachment such as searching through the Attachment Logs.   Note that API setup is a separate privilege. Document Attachment
Delete DocumentAllows the user to delete a document after it was attached to a client, patient, or episode.Document Attachment
Folder & API SetupDisplays the Automatic File Upload Job under Job Setup and allows a user to make changes to the Additional Settings.  These setup steps must be performed before VetView can attach any documents. Document Attachment

VetView Wiki

Most recent releases of VetView:  Version 4.1.3 Hotfix (Released 2/16/2024)