Hospital Requests

Hospital Requests Privileges

Hospital RequestsRoot Access to the the Request system.  This privilege must be turned on before assigning any other privileges to the user.  Users without this privilege can see requests on the Patient Record (if they have access) but cannot interact with them or add them otherwise. Multiple
Access Hospital RequestsGrants access to the Hospital Request screen.  Users must also be a member of a request unit in order to see any requests on this screen.Hospital Requests
Edit RequestsAllows a user to edit an existing Request.Requests, Patient Record
Add attachmentsAllows a user to add an attachment to a request.Requests
Edit Request AttachmentsAllows the user to modify the attributes of a request attachment.Requests
Delete Request AttachmentAllows the user to delete an attachment on a request.Requests
Re-Send RequestAllows a user to re-submit a request that was returned in the status of Rejected, after making any needed changes.  Intended for clinician or supervisory use.Patient Record
Transcribe RequestsAllows a user to mark a Request as Transcribed.  This is an attribute of the request, not a status.  Only requests that are set up to require Transcribed will have this option.Requests, Patient Record
Review RequestsAllows a user to mark a Request as Reviewed.  This is an attribute of the request, not a status.  Only requests that are set up to require Reviewed will have this option.Requests, Patient Record
Perform RequestsAllows this user to mark a Request as Performed.  This is an attribute of the request, not a status.  Only requests that are set up to require Performed will have this option.Requests, Patient Record
Reopen RequestsAllows this user to re-open a request after it was completed, to make changes.  The Request will then become Addended status.Requests, Patient Record
Reopen Request After CancelAllows a user to re-request a Request that was cancelled.  Intended for clinician or supervisory use.Requests, Patient Record
Unverify Request DocumentsAllows a supervisor to change a previously verified Document or Request back to unverified status, in order to request changes or additions.Patient Record
Send Request ReportAllows a user to send the Request Report via the comm log to the RDVM or other marked client contacts.  (Only applicable to Requests associated with VetView Labs.)Accession Screen (Labs)
Accept RequestsAllows the user to change a Request to accepted status.Request screen, Patient Record
Transition Requests to PreliminaryAllows the user to mark a request as Preliminary. This is an attribute of the request, not a status.  Only requests that are set up to require Preliminary have this option.Request screen, patient record
Complete RequestsAllows the user to set a request to Completed statusRequest screen, patient record
Reject RequestsAllows the user to set a request to Rejected status.  Rejected requests are visible on the patient record.Request screen, patient record
Cancel RequestsAllows the user to set a request to Cancelled status.  Cancelled requests are visible on the patient record.Request screen, patient record
Verify RequestsAllows the user to set a request to Verified status.  Verified status will satisfy "requires verification" settings on a medical record group under the Episode Type setup. Request screen, patient record
Delete Hospital RequestsAdmin privilege that allows the user to delete a Hospital request.Request screen, patient record

VetView Wiki

Most recent releases of VetView:  Version 4.1.3 Hotfix (Released 2/16/2024)