Inventory Transfer Pricing & Accounting

Inventory Transfer Pricing & Accounting


  1. Inventory Transfer Accounting provides the ability to:
    1. Establish Product Pricing Rules for the Transfer of Inventory among Inventory Areas (Hospital Units).
      1. Pricing Method:
        1. The method used to establish the price that will be charged for Inventory that is Transferred from the Source Inventory Area to the Destination Inventory Area.
        2. The available Pricing Methods are: 
          1. Cost Only: Prices for items transferred from the Source Inventory Area will be based on the Actual Cost (as specified on the 'Product Information' screen) only.
          2. Cost + Amount: Prices for items transferred from the Source Inventory Area will be based on the Actual Cost (as specified on the 'Product Information' screen), plus a Flat Amount.
          3. Cost X Multiplier: Prices for items transferred from the Source Inventory Area will be based on the Actual Cost (as specified on the 'Product Information' screen) multiplied by an Active Markup Multiplier (configured on the 'Product Setup' screen - 'Markup Setup' tab); or, by a Multiplier entered as the Pricing Parameter (refer to the definition of 'Pricing Parameter').
          4. Cost + %: Prices for items transferred from the Source Inventory Area will be based on the Actual Cost (as specified on the 'Product Information' screen), plus a percentage of the Actual Cost.
          5. Price Only: Prices for items transferred from the Source Inventory Area will be based on the Pricing Basis (as specified on the 'Product Information' screen) only.
          6. Price + Amount: Prices for items transferred from the Source Inventory Area will be based on the Pricing Basis (as specified on the 'Product Information' screen), plus a Flat Amount.
          7. Price X Multiplier: Prices for items transferred from the Source Inventory Area will be based on the Pricing Basis (as specified on the 'Product Information' screen) multiplied by an Active Markup Multiplier (configured on the 'Product Setup' screen - 'Markup Setup' tab); or, by a Multiplier entered as the Pricing Parameter (refer to the definition of 'Pricing Parameter').
          8. Price + %: Prices for items transferred from the Source Inventory Area will be based on the Pricing Basis (as specified on the 'Product Information' screen) plus a percentage of the Pricing Basis.
        3. The default Pricing Method can be specified for a Source Inventory Area (Hospital Unit).  The Default Pricing Method will be used if the Source/Destination/Product Line combination is not found.
      2. Pricing Parameter:
        1. Depending on the Pricing Method, the Pricing Parameter will be one of the following:
          1. Blank
          2. Flat Dollar Amount
          3. Percentage
          4. Multiplier
        2. The Pricing Parameter will be applied by the Pricing Method rule.
        3. The default Pricing Parameter can be specified for a Source Inventory Area (Hospital Unit).  The Default Pricing Method will be used if the Source/Destination/Product Line combination is not found.
    2. Establish and track Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable among the Inventory Areas (Hospital Units).

VetView Wiki

Most recent releases of VetView:  Version 5.0.4 (Released 3/10/2025) and 4.2.10 Hotfix (2/28/2025) 

This page may contain functionality not found in the current version of VetView.


 Setup Transfer Pricing for the Source Inventory Area...
  1. Navigate to the 'Hospital Setup' screen via the 'Navigation Menu'.
    1. Select the Hospital.
  2. Navigate to the 'Unit Setup' tab.
    1. Select the Hospital Unit that will be the Source Inventory Area.
  3.  Navigate to the 'Unit Details' tab...
    1. Check the 'Inventory Area' option.
    2. In order for Hospital Units to be available for Inventory Transfer Requests, they must be an Inventory Area.

  4.  Navigate to the 'Transfer Pricing Setup' subtab...
    1. Add or edit Inventory Transfer Pricing by clicking the 'Add' or 'Edit' button.
      1. The 'Add / Edit Inventory Transfer Pricing' dialog will appear.

 Setup Inventory Transfer Pricing Defaults...

The Inventory Transfer Pricing Defaults are configured for the Source Inventory Area, and will be used if the Transfer Pricing has not been set up for the Destination Inventory Area and Product.

  1. Navigate to the 'Hospital Setup' screen via the 'Navigation Menu'.
    1. Select the Hospital.
  2. Navigate to the 'Inventory Setup' tab.
  3. Navigate to the 'Inventory Area Defaults' subtab.
    1. Select an existing row from the 'Inventory Transfer & Purchase Order Defaults' section, or create a new one, by clicking the 'Edit' or 'Add' button.
    2. The 'Add / Edit Inventory Transfer & Purchase Order Defaults' dialog will appear.
  4. Edit the Inventory Transfer Defaults:
    1. Pricing Method
    2. Pricing Parameter
    3. Multiplier
  5. Click the 'Save' button.

 Review Inventory Transfer Accounting Transactions...

The Inventory Transfer Accounting transactions can be reviewed via the 'Inventory Transfer Accounting' screen.

  1. Navigate to the 'Inventory Transfer Accounting' screen via the 'Navigation Menu'.
    1. Search for Inventory Transfer Request Items.


  • Following is a table of definitions for the screens (Components), components of screens (Subcomponents), fields (UI Element labels, names and entities), controls (names and entities), DB columns, adjustment types, privileges, attributes, and specs that have a direct, or indirect, connection to the term 'Transfer Pricing' or 'Transfer Accounting'.
  • Use the controls at the top of the table to change the sort, grouping, and row height.
  • To see more of the cell content, click on the cell expansion control located at the top-right corner of a selected cell.

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