Episode Type Discounts


  1. Episode Type (or Visit Type) Discounts can be defined via the 'Hospital Setup' screen → 'Episode Type Setup' tab → 'Episode Type Discounts' subtab.
    1. Episode Type Discounts are defined by:
      1. Client Type
      2. Episode Type
      3.  Product Type
    2. Discounts are created using a Discount Method, Discount Parameter, and/or ('Markup') Multiplier.
      1. Discount Methods:
        1. Cost or Price Only:
          1. The Invoice Price is simply the Actual Sales Cost or Pricing Basis amount with no other product discounts applied.
        2. Cost or Price + Amount:
          1. The Discount Parameter is an Amount to be added to the Actual Sales Unit Cost or Pricing Basis.
        3. Cost or Price x Multiplier:
          1. The Actual Sales Unit Cost or Pricing Basis is multiplied by an active Markup Multiplier, or Multiplier entered as the Discount Parameter.
        4. Cost or Price + %:
          1. The Actual Sales Unit Cost or Pricing Basis is multiplied by 1 plus the Discount Parameter.
          2. The Discount Parameter is entered as a discount rate, which is a decimal number less than 1.
    3. Discount Credit Adjustments are posted using the Credit Adjustment Code and Reason assigned to the Episode Type Discount.
    4. When Discount Credit Adjustments are reversed, a Discount Debit Adjustment is posted using the Debit Adjustment Code and Reason assigned to the Episode Type Discount.

VetView Wiki

Most recent releases of VetView:  Version 4.2.5 Hotfix (Released 10/31/2024)

This page may contain functionality not found in the current version of VetView.


 Setup Episode Type Discounts...

  1. Navigate to the 'Hospital Setup' screen via the 'Navigation Menu'.
    1. Select a Hospital.
  2. Navigate to the 'Episode Type Setup' tab.
    1. Select the Episode Type.
  3. Navigate to the 'Episode Type Discounts' subtab.
  4. Add or edit an Episode Type Discount by clicking the 'Add' or 'Edit' button.
    1. The 'Add / Edit Episode Type Discount' dialog will appear.
  5. Select the Product Type and/or Client Type to define the discount.
    1. If one, or both, are left blank, the Episode Type Discount will be applied without regard to the Client Type and/or Product Type.
  6. Select the Discount Method.
  7. Enter the Discount Parameter and/or Multiplier.
  8. Select the Credit and Debit Adjustment Code and Reason
    1. Click the 'Save' button.

 Calculate an Episode Type Discount...

  1. Navigate to the 'Product Setup' screen via the 'Navigation Menu'.
    1. Search for, and select, a Product.
    2. The 'Product Info' screen will open.
  2. Navigate to the 'Product Details' tab.
  3. Navigate to the 'Pricing Setup' subtab.
  4. In the Price Calculator:
    1. Select the Client Type and Episode Type.
  5. The Episode Type Discount will appear and affect the Total.
  6. The Price Calculator is also available on the 'Product Info' screen → 'Control Drug Machine Setup' tab.


  • Following is a table of definitions for the screens (Components), components of screens (Subcomponents), fields (UI Element labels, names and entities), controls (names and entities), DB columns, adjustment types, privileges, attributes, and specs that have a direct, or indirect, connection to the term 'Episode Type Discount'.
  • Use the controls at the top of the table to change the sort, grouping, and row height.
  • To see more of the cell content, click on the cell expansion control located at the top-right corner of a selected cell.

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