Monitoring - Memory

Monitoring - Memory

The Monitoring - Memory widget is an admin level tool to allow you to see the performance of your VetView server in real time.  This is a diagnostic tool that will allow you to identify any non-network related slowdowns that might be hampering the performance of your Hospital or Labs systems.

The spikes visible on the Memory widget represent the Apache Tomcat and Java "garbage collection" process, cleaning up memory that is no longer needed by the application on a regular basis.  

If you do not see the jagged spikes but instead see a solid block of orange that appears to be near the top of the graph, that may indicate potential memory issues with your server.   

Note that because VetView supports load balancing on multiple servers with multiple instances of the application running simultaneously, this widget only shows the memory status of the server you are currently connected to.

VetView Wiki

Most recent releases of VetView:  Version 4.1.3 Hotfix (Released 2/16/2024)