Hospital Peoplesoft Interface

Hospital Peoplesoft Interface

The Hospital Peoplesoft Interface job connects VetView to Peoplesoft to send certain accounting reports to the central Peoplesoft system.   This job automates these reports if your organization is using Peoplesoft for central HR or accounting.

Job Settings

The job settings include the standard API interface options as well as additional settings unique to the Peoplesoft job.

Additional Settings

The additional settings require information about your organization's Peoplesoft installation.

The Web Service URL is the location to which VetView will attempt to send the files.  This should be a valid address for your Peoplesoft server.

The Actions in this interface refer to files stored on the local VetView server that the API will use to generate the correct data for Peoplesoft.  Contact your Peoplesoft representative for assistance in generating the actions.

If the automatic job of any of your files failed, you can resend them by selecting the date and clicking on the Generate and Send Messages button.

Peoplesoft Interface Logs

The logs will show the most recent attempt to transmit to the Peoplesoft Interface based on the parameters under Additional Settings.

The exact message that was sent will be visible under the Message Details. 

Setup & Admin Guides

VetView Wiki

Most recent releases of VetView:  Version 4.1.3 Hotfix (Released 2/16/2024)
