Assigned Users Tab in 3.3

Assigned Users Tab (3.3)

The Assigned Users tab links users in the hospital to this unit. 

As of Version 3.3, users can also be assigned specific privileges that apply at a broad level to the whole unit. 

Add User to Unit

Click on the Add button to add a new user to the unit.   A small window to look up employees by username will appear.

Each checkbox represents a privileges that only applies within the unit.

  • Requests  allow the user to see this unit's requests on the Hospital Requests screen, and perform actions against them based on their individual privileges.
  • Private Schedules allows the user to manage their unit's schedules that have been set to Private.  All users can view private schedules, and any user can manage a Public schedule, but only members of a unit with this flag can manage a Private schedule.
  • Inventory allows the user to manage the unit's inventory levels.
  • Inventory Transfers allows the user to perform inventory transfers on behalf of the unit.
  • Purchase Orders allows the user to request a PO on behalf of the unit. 

Inactive Users

If a user has been set to "Inactive" within VetView, they will appear in red on this list, and can be deleted if they will not return.

Delete User from Unit

Select the name of the user from the list.  It will become highlighted.  Click on the Delete button.

Inactive users can also be searched from User Management, and removed from all their units at once. 

There is no confirmation for this delete process, as no data is lost.  The relationship can be immediately re-established if the wrong user is accidentally deleted.

For more information on managing users and units, see the User Management in 4.0 page.

VetView Wiki

Most recent releases of VetView:  Version 4.1.3 Hotfix (Released 2/16/2024)

To see commonly used terms in VetView Hospital, please visit our Hospital Glossary of Terms.
