Lab Questions Setup Tab

Questions Setup Tab

The Questions Setup Tab is where you create questions that can be asked as part of your request or accession submission process.

As of VetView 2.1, we support questions at the Accession level (all tests and patients), the patient level, and the specimen level.  Specimen questions can be helpful for single patient test panels, where the storage requirement for one specimen may be different for another (e.g. one has been kept fresh vs one has been frozen.)  Questions (and answers) are all linked at the accession level and can still be viewed in the accession tree as before. 

Questions and answers themselves are handled on the Question Setup Screen under Navigation.  This tab is only for linking those questions to your lab's accessions.

Accession Questions

Questions that should be answered for the whole accession upon request for submission with a sample can be entered here.   Accession questions should be kept non-specific, as individual tests can have their own questions linked at the Catalog level instead.

Add New Question to Accession

Click on the Add button to add a new question.  A small window will open.  Select the question, and if applicable, enter in a default answer.  Not all question types will need a default - for example, a Date type question can load as blank.

Sort Questions

To sort the order on which questions appear on the accession, select the question and use the Up and Down arrows to move it.

Required and Print Options

Required questions must be answered for a request or accession to be accepted.  The Printed questions will also appear in question and answer form on the accession report.  For questions that are for the lab's information only (such as "Date Needed"), they may be omitted from the printed report.

Patient Questions

Questions at the Patient level can be linked to all patients on an accession.  They can also be limited on a per species or even per breed basis, since some questions that are important for one species are not applicable to others.

Questions can also be added to a patient record on a permanent basis for future tests that may not ask that question.  For example, an FIV+ feline can be set as permanent FIV+ on the record, but a FIV negative feline does not need to have that linked as a permanent question and answer. 

Specimen Questions

Like the patients, the Specimen questions can be set for all specimens or limited to specimen types when applicable.

In the example below, a Urine type specimen will prompt a Urine related question, but non-urine specimens will not prompt the question.

VetView Wiki

Most recent releases of VetView:  Version 4.1.3 Hotfix (Released 2/16/2024)