Inventory Aggregation

Inventory Aggregation


  1. Using the Unique Inventory Attributes, Inventory will now be Aggregated to eliminate the duplication of Inventory line items that share the same Unique Inventory Attributes.
  2. During the Inventory Aggregation process, Inventory will be aggregated if the Unique Inventory Attributes are the same.

VetView Wiki

Most recent releases of VetView:  Version 5.0.4 (Released 3/10/2025) and 4.2.10 Hotfix (2/28/2025) 

This page may contain functionality not found in the current version of VetView.


 Adding Inventory Manually...

There are several ways in which to add Inventory manually:

  1.  'Inventory Reconciliation & Adjustment' screen...
    1. Navigate to the 'Inventory Reconciliation & Adjustment' screen via the 'Navigation Menu'.
      1. Using the search criteria at the top of the screen, search for Inventory.
    2. Using the last row in the Inventory List, add the following:
      1. Select the Product to be added.
        1. Product Defaults will be populated automatically.
          1. Sales Units
          2. S:St Ratio
          3. Stock Units
          4. Unit Cost
      2. Select the Inventory Location that contains the new Inventory.
      3. Enter the Quantity (in Sales Units).
      4. Edit the S:St Ratio and Stock Units.
        1. The Stock Quantity will be populated based on the Sales Quantity and S:St Ratio.
      5. Edit the Unit Cost.
      6. Enter the Expiration Date, Lot Number, Serial Number, NDC Number, and Manufacturer.
      7. Hover the cursor over the info dot in the 'Alt ID' column.
        1. The 'Inventory Alternate IDs' dialog will appear.
          1. Enter the Alternate IDs for the new Inventory.
            1. Click the 'Save' button.
            2. Click the 'OK' button to close the dialog.
      8. Click the 'Save' button to save without posting.
      9. Click the 'Post' button to add the Inventory.
        1. The 'Inventory Adjustments' dialog will appear.
      10. Enter the Adjustment Code and Adjustment Reason.
        1. Click the 'OK' button.
      11. If the Unique Inventory Attributes of the new Inventory matches existing Inventory, the new Inventory will be Aggregated by updating the Quantity of the existing Inventory.

  2.  'Prescription Fill' screen - 'Prescription Details' tab...
    1. Navigate to the 'Prescription Search' screen via the 'Navigation Menu'.
      1. Using the search criteria, search for a Prescription.
      2. Select the binocular icon to access the 'Prescription Fill' screen.
    2. Navigate to the 'Prescription Details' tab.
    3. In the 'Billing and Inventory Information' section, using the last row in the Inventory List, add the following:
      1. Select the Inventory Location that contains the new Inventory..
      2. Enter the Lot Number, Serial Number, and NDC Number.
      3. Enter additional Alternate IDs by hovering the cursor over the info dot in the 'Alt ID' column.
        1. The 'Inventory Alternate IDs' dialog will appear.
      4. Enter the Expiration Date and Manufacturer.
      5. Enter the 'Available Quantity' (in Sales Units).
      6. Enter the 'Used Quantity' (in Sales Units).
      7. Click the green plus '+' button to add the Inventory.
      8. If the Unique Inventory Attributes of the new Inventory matches existing Inventory, the new Inventory will be Aggregated by updating the Quantity of the existing Inventory.


  3.  'Product Info' screen - 'Inventory' tab - 'Inventory' subtab...
    1. Navigate to the 'Product Setup' screen via the 'Navigation Menu'.
      1. Search for, and select, a Product.
      2. The 'Product Info' screen will appear.
    2. Navigate to the 'Inventory' tab.
    3. Navigate to the 'Inventory' subtab.
    4. Click the 'Add' button.
      1. The 'Add / Edit Inventory' dialog will appear.
    5. Enter the attributes for the new Inventory:
      1. Select the Inventory Location.
      2. If applicable, enter the Expiration Date, Lot Number, Serial Number, NDC Number, Manufacturer, Vendor, and Vendor Contract.
      3. Enter the Stock Units and S:St Ratio.
      4. Enter either the Stock Quantity or Sales Quantity.
        1. Based on the S:St Ratio, the blank Quantity will be calculated.
        2. If the S:St Ratio is blank, when the Sales Quantity and Stock Quantity are entered, the S:St Ratio will be calculated.
      5. Enter the Unit Cost.
      6. Enter the Adjustment Code and Adjustment Reason.
      7. If necessary, add the Adjustment Comments.
    6. If Alternate IDs are available, click the orange 'i' info dot to add them.
      1. The 'Inventory Alternate IDs' dialog will appear.
        1. Enter the Alternate IDs for the new Inventory.
          1. Click the 'Save' button.
          2. Click the 'OK' button to close the dialog.
    7. If Barcode Labels are needed, click the 'Print Labels' button to access the 'Barcode Scanner / Printer' dialog.
    8. If the Unique Inventory Attributes of the new Inventory matches existing Inventory, the new Inventory will be Aggregated by updating the Quantity of the existing Inventory.

 Viewing Aggregated Inventory...

There are several ways to view Inventory that has been Aggregated:

  1.  'Inventory Reconciliation & Adjustment' screen...
    1. Navigate to the 'Inventory Reconciliation & Adjustment' screen via the 'Navigation Menu'.
      1. Using the search criteria at the top of the screen, search for Inventory.
    2. To view the Inventory Adjustments that impacted the Quantity, hover the cursor over the info dot in the 'Adj' column.
      1. The 'Inventory Adjustment History' popup will be displayed for the selected Inventory.
    3. To view the changes that were made to the Inventory, hover the cursor over the info dot in the 'L' column.
      1. The 'Inventory & Product Change Log' popup will be displayed for the selected Inventory.

  2.  'Prescription Fill' screen - 'Prescription Details' tab...
    1. Navigate to the 'Prescription Search' screen via the 'Navigation Menu'.
      1. Using the search criteria, search for a Prescription.
      2. Select the binocular icon to access the 'Prescription Fill' screen.
    2. Navigate to the 'Prescription Details' tab.
    3. In the 'Billing and Inventory Information' section, expand the Product row to view the existing Inventory for the Product.
    4. To view the changes that were made to the Inventory, hover the cursor over the info dot in the 'L' column.
      1. The 'Inventory & Product Change Log' popup will be displayed for the selected Inventory.

  3.  'Product Info' screen - 'Inventory' tab - 'Inventory' subtab - 'Location View' subtab...
    1. Navigate to the 'Product Setup' screen via the 'Navigation Menu'.
      1. Search for, and select, a Product.
      2. The 'Product Info' screen will appear.
    2. Navigate to the 'Inventory' tab.
    3. Navigate to the 'Inventory' subtab.
    4. Navigate to the 'Location View' subtab.
      1. This tab page displays the Inventory grouped by Inventory Area, then Inventory Location, along with the total Sales Quantity in the Inventory Areas and Inventory Locations.
      2. Within the Inventory Location, the Unique Inventory Attributes are displayed along with the Available Quantity - this is the lowest level of Inventory breakdown.
      3. For each set of the Unique Inventory Attributes, the Inventory Adjustments that impacted the Quantity of the Inventory, are displayed.

  4.  'Product Info' screen - 'Inventory' tab - 'Inventory' subtab - 'Inventory View' subtab...
    1. Navigate to the 'Product Setup' screen via the 'Navigation Menu'.
      1. Search for, and select, a Product.
      2. The 'Product Info' screen will appear.
    2. Navigate to the 'Inventory' tab.
    3. Navigate to the 'Inventory' subtab.
    4. Navigate to the 'Inventory View' subtab.
      1. This tab page displays the Inventory grouped by Unique Inventory Attributes, then Inventory Area, then Inventory Location, along with the total Sales Quantity and Stock Quantity in the Inventory Areas and Inventory Locations.
      2. Within the Unique Inventory Attributes, the Inventory Areas are displayed along with the Available Quantity.
      3. Within the Inventory Areas, the Inventory Locations are displayed along with the Available Quantity.
      4. For each set of the Inventory Locations, the Inventory Adjustments that impacted the Quantity of the Inventory, are displayed.


  • Following is a table of definitions for the screens (Components), components of screens (Subcomponents), fields (UI Element labels, names and entities), controls (names and entities), DB columns, adjustment types, privileges, attributes, and specs that have a direct, or indirect, connection to the term 'Aggregation'.
  • Use the controls at the top of the table to change the sort, grouping, and row height.
  • To see more of the cell content, click on the cell expansion control located at the top-right corner of a selected cell.

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