Lab Accounting Setup Tab

Accounting Setup Tab

The Labs Accounting Setup Tab is where you define the settings that will appear on charge reciepts, and what kinds of payments your lab accepts.  Payment services are constantly changing, so VetView allows you to add custom payments if your hospital now accepts things like PayPal, Venmo, Apple Pay, etc.

Account Setup

These settings may depend on what payment processor that you are using.  Talk to your financial institution and your organization's accounting department to verify how the charge should appear (memo), and the account numbers used in the third party accounting systems and EFT systems.

Add New Lab Account 

Click on the Add button to add a new account associated with the lab.  A blank line will appear to add in the new information.  Click on the Save button at the top to apply the changes.

Use the red X button to delete a lab charge account that will no longer be used.

Payment Type Setup

This tab allows you to define a new type of payment if your organization will be accepting a custom payment type.

Add New Payment Type

To add a new payment type, click on the Add button.  A small window will appear.

Enter the name of the payment type, and select the hard coded type.  For EFT type payments that are processed using an external payment system, use Other. 

VetView Wiki

Most recent releases of VetView:  Version 4.1.3 Hotfix (Released 2/16/2024)