Add New Rx

Add New Rx

Add New Rx

New Prescription Window

This is the same prescription window from the Visit Information tab.  (It is also available on the Patient List.)

This window is reactive, and the display will change depending on the choices you make.  Your hospital can set certain options to be a default based on your role and your workflows, such as the default pharmacy, or whether you default to a go-home label or an in-hospital MAR.

The patient's case number, name, current episode status, and episode unit will appear on the header of the window, for you to verify that you are working with the correct patient.

Go-Home versus In-Hospital Fill Options

PharmacyA pharmacy location as defined inside VetView.  While individual pharmacies can share a physical space, they may be separated in the system to control tracking of the products or to facilitate workflows.  For example, your hospital may separate Large Animal and Small Animal prescriptions.
Go-Home (Client-Labeling)Sends a prescription to the selected pharmacy with the intent of going home with the patient.
In-Hospital (Administration Record)

Sends a prescription to the selected pharmacy to be filled with internal labeling. Will set the prescription to require a MAR on the current open episode, if it is required for that particular drug.  

Regular FillA Go-Home prescription that is handled at the selected pharmacy with standard labeling.  This option is available for both Go-Home and In-Hospital.
External ScriptA Go-Home prescription that will not be filled at the hospital pharmacy, but a third party pharmacy elsewhere.
CDM FillA Go-Home prescription that will be filled in its entirety at a CDM machine.  Dispensaries can print labels locally, instead of requiring a pharmacy.
CDM Order (Patient Profile)An In-Hospital prescription that is sent to a Controlled Drug Machine and will remain available for fills until all the amount specified has been issued.  (This option may not be available at all hospitals, as it must be purposefully turned on within VetView.)

Other Prescription Options

Aside from the location of the fill and the type of labeling, VetView allows for certain options depending on Pharmacy setup. 

Hold Script:  This option allows you to request and approve a prescription, but not have it appear on the Pharmacy Fill Queue until a specific day.  Use this if the patient has a planned discharge date in the future,

Drug Not In List:  Use this option if you are requesting a specific medication or compound that isn't available within your system.  This may be set to force the prescription to become an External Fill requested automatically, depending on your hospital setup.

Dispense as Written:  Use this option to force this flag to appear on the prescription label.  Required in certain states. 


The area to write the instructions for the staff or owner.  If your hospital has Quick Text set up, this may support short hand (e.g. BID and other prescription shortcuts.)  

Pre-Defined Instructions

Your hospital can set up the most common prescription instructions for a drug to load automatically once the drug is selected, or to load as a list of available options depending on the patient's age, weight, species, etc.  These options appear in the Pre-Defined Instructions section on the prescription request screen.  Click on the selection to apply it to the prescription.

Draft Instructions

These instructions are a legacy from UVIS but can still be utilized on prescriptions where they exist.  Select the words and quantity, and the prescription request will fill in the Instructions based on your selection when you click on the Draft button.


The total quantity, days supply, and refills can be filled in here.  These fields may be filled in automatically from the pre-defined instructions.  Depending on your selections for the Go-Home or In-Hospital, as well as the specific pharmacy and product selected, these fields can change.  

A regular go-home prescription may appear like this:

Regular Go Home Prescription

Whereas the options for a CDM Order (Patient Profile) may appear more like this:


VetView tracks two types of expirations - the expiration of the original prescription, and the expiration of any refills.  By default, when these expirations are not set for the drug class manually, the expirations will default to one month and one year, respectively.  If a pharmacy is set with a shorter expiration, such as six months, those will be used instead.  Additionally, the maximum length of the prescription and the maximum number of refills can be defined by drug class or pharmacy based on your state or province's laws.  


For non-companion animals or companion animals used in competitions, you can set a recommended length of withdrawal for that purpose based on the prescription.  

Comments and Patient Status

Any additional information that should be sent to the pharmacy, but not necessarily printed on the prescription label, can go into the comments.

For example, Mail Orders can utilize comments to include a mailing address.  The patient status flag can be used to note the shipping method or any additional charges.  

Other comments could include a patient location for Daily Fills.  Patient statuses can be customized by your hospital.

Dose Calculator

This tool can be used by the clinical staff to estimate the correct amounts to prescribe for the patient, based on the patient's species and vitals.  (K Constants can be defined by your hospital at the species level.)   This section can also be partially disabled by the pharmacy itself, or at the per user level if your student roles should be forced to manually calculate it.

Script Cards

Once a prescription is saved on the New Prescription Window, by clicking on the Add Script button, it appears on the right hand side of the window as a Script Card.  Details about the prescription can be viewed by mousing over the info dot.  To make changes, click on the pencil icon to edit the script.  To remove the script request entirely, click on the red X symbol.

External scripts appear as a pink, while all other scripts appear as blue.  You can add as many prescriptions on the Add Rx window as the patient will need.  A scroll bar may appear after three or more scripts are added.

External scripts are also clearly marked at the top of the info dot mouse over window.

Prescribing DVM

This section is where you indicate which DVM is authorizing the prescription request.  If the DVM is present, they can add their username and password immediately to approve the prescription.

Otherwise, the student or tech requesting the prescription can Send Approval Pending Notice to the DVM.  This will flag the prescription request for the DVM, and also send a notice to their VetView mail.  Requested scripts appear on the Home page under the My Pending Prescriptions (Prescribing DVM) widget.

Approver Signature and Password

This is the final step for requesting a prescription for a patient.  A user in the system with Approver rights must enter in their username and password.  This will default to the prescribing DVM, but if the attending clinician is not available and another authorized DVM or pharmacist is, they can enter their username and password instead. The Prescribing DVM will be tracked separately from the Approving DVM/Pharmacist in this scenario. 

Once approved, the prescriptions are locked from the clinical side and only available for changes by Pharmacy staff.  To change or cancel a prescription that was approved but not yet filled, you will need to contact the pharmacy it was sent to.

Dispensary Pharmacies

If the select Pharmacy at the top of the script is a Dispensary Pharmacy, and the chosen drug for the prescription is available as a dispensary product, then the Billing and Inventory Information section appears at the bottom of the prescription.  This is a similar window that appears on the Pharmacy Fill Screen, but in a compressed format.

The requesting user can enter in the label information, choose an inventory location, and print the label and data card.

This workflow allows the prescription to be requested, approved, and issued in a single step, without going to a different unit in your hospital.  This workflow can be useful for products that require a prescription but does not need to be counted or controlled, such as flea or tick prevention or pre-packaged medication.

LocationThe physical inventory location for the product.  These locations are defined at the Hospital Inventory level, and are required for a Dispensary prescription to be issued.
LotThe drug's lot number from the packaging.  Will appear on the prescription label when applicable.
Serial NoThe drug's serial number from the packaging.  Will appear on the prescription label when applicable.
ExpirationThe drug's expiration date based on the packaging.  Make sure the product expiration is no earlier than the label expiration, as that is what will print on the label.  Adjust the label expiration according, if desired.
UsedThe amount of product that will be deducted from inventory at the selected location.
Green PlusThis small icon will automatically copy all your inventory information down to the drug label section, preventing you from having to re-enter the same info twice.  Label information can be edited after the fact, if needed.
Rx#The prescription number that will be assigned to this Rx.  This must be unique except in the case of refills.
Drug LabelThe product name that is printed on the label for the prescription, if it is different from the product name that should appear on the billing.  This is useful for compounded products, or if your product's inventory name is written in code or abbreviated.  
Lot (Label)The lot number copied down from the Inventory lot line.  
ManufacturerThe manufacturer name of the drug as it will appear on the label.  This can be copied down from the Inventory information.
Drug Info SheetAny drug info sheet that should be printed out for clients to take with them, if the product has been repackaged.  For products that are pre-packaged and already contain this information, you can disable these.
Auxiliary LabelsAny additional pharmacy labels that should be added to the drug's packaging, such as "Keep out of Reach of Children."
Print LabelOpens a PDF for the prescription label, that can be sent to a label printer to go on the product's physical packaging.
Print Data CardOpens a PDF for the prescription data card that should be included with the prescription - this is the physical copy of the prescription as well, for those prescriptions that have authorized refills.  

Click on the Add Script button for a dispensary will add the script card to the right hand side as normal.  However, a Dispensary prescription will automatically changed to Issued status once it has been approved by an authorized DVM, and will not be sent to the Pharmacy Fill Queue. 

VetView Wiki

Most recent releases of VetView:  Version 5.0.4 (Released 3/10/2025) and 4.2.10 Hotfix (2/28/2025) 

To see commonly used terms in VetView Hospital, please visit our Hospital Glossary of Terms.


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